Marley just had a stroke...

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2009
Ottawa ON, Canada
I'm almost positive. One moment, he was fine, then suddenly, he got all twisted and jerky, and then he's completely exhausted and can't move his right side... at all it seems. His right side was already his bad side, but this is BEYOND just weakness... like... he keeps tipping to the right because nothing on his right side is supporting him.

I've booked a vet appointment for Tuesday morning (needed to get Liam's teeth trimmed, one broke off and the other is growing slanting into his mouth... sigh), so I'm positive my vet will let me squeeze Marley in at the same time.

What sort of treatment should I expect? Predisone? (Or whatever it was called?) And how effective is it? Can I expect at least a partial recovery?

*sobs* I knew Spook and Marley were getting old and that I should be prepared for stuff like this, but Marley's really not looking good.

He's panting and just exhausted looking. I'm going to give him 0.3ml of Enrofloxacin (Baytril) twice daily till he gets to the vet. Is that a good idea, or should I just wait till the vet prescribes me a full 3 weeks worth?

Thanks in advance for helping...
My Old girl had a stroke and we treated with prednizone, for like 3months or something...we tried to wean her off a cpl times but then she would get worse. Alot of vets give antibiotics with prednizone as it weakens the immune vet did not.
My dog was treated with pred. and did not receive abs. my vet thinks unless there is an infection then no abs as it can create a ab resistence issue...I am not sure I totally agree but I do not disagree...and they are the doctors.
Also with neice and myself have had pred and no abs, my neice is on it a few times a year...and unless there is already an infection to be treated no abs...

Good luck with your there anyway to get him in earlier? might be having hard time breath and for sure in discomfort.
Some rats can recover fully from strokes. I would ask for pred and I would get the abs as well. You don't know what else is lurking in there, best to nip it in the bud.
I hope that you will be able to beg, borrow or steal some Pred before your vet visit. It gave one of my rats (Hilda) a good couple of months more of quality time.

It's really hard to see them struggle to groom and eat after a stroke. I had to wash and syringe-feed Janie after she had a stroke. Unfortunately the meds did not help her.

All the best for Marley.
Thanks for the concern, but Marley is doing at LOT better than expected >.<

He's still completely limp on the right side, and in fact seems permanently tilted that way now >.<

His breathing has become MUCH more regular (I have him on both Doxy and Enrofloxacin now). There was some gushy porphryin, but even that's cleared up.

He still won't eat anything solid (other than some sunflower seeds from my hand and a bunch of cheerios), but he has lapped up some watery oatmeal (with an egg mashed in it), some mushy avocado, and I've been syringe feeding him his Ensure every couple of hours.

I really really wish I could get him into the vet earlier, but I'm COMPLETELY busy today and tomorrow because of school (business simulation thing, and I really can't leave!), and the vet was all booked on Monday. Tuesday 9:30 AM really was the earliest (remember, I booked this for Liam who has a BROKEN TOOTH! I was worried SILLY!)

I have Spook and Marley in the cat carrier on my bed right now, with plenty of soft liquid-y foods around.

I really have no experience with this, but Marley just looks really really tired to me. He's not gushy, not puffy and he HAS been sleeping cuddled with Spook. It's like he just suddenly went from "still pretty young" to Spook-type-oldness in one short night. It's heart-breaking, yet for some reason reassuring... Marley has similar mobility as Spook now... i.e. almost none in the hind legs. *sigh* :cry4:
I'm really sorry RKbusy. I would honestly try calling the vet back and explaining the situation and seeing if you can get in on Monday, even if it means waiting around in the waiting room until he has a spare moment. I really hope he continues to improve. :hugs:

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