Mammary Tumor

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
*sigh* Just when I think I am done with tumors for a while after Eve's passing... I wake up to find that Cocoa has a small mammary tumor starting under her right arm. It is small, I probably should have noticed it yesterday when I had her out but didn't.

I have only one question: Should I wait to take her into the vet to have it removed when it is larger (right now it is about the diameter of a nickle maybe a tad smaller)? Or should I go now? With some things I realize that it is better to wait a bit and others it is good to go right away. I am not really experienced with mammary tumors in a rat that can be operated on... so thought that here would be the best place for advice.

Not really sure what to do... Its been a terrible couple of days, I feel so lost and tired. I don't want anything to happen to Cocoa, shes my little fattie :( I love her to pieces!

She will be 2 years old tomorrow.
My thought is it is better to have it removed when it is still small.....
Are you sure it is a tumor and not an abscess?
If it is a tumor I would have it removed now.....and if you can have her spayed at the same time.

Oh I just read she will be 2 tomorrow.....that might influence your decision. I would need to talk it over with my vet and evaluate her health. But a tumor removal and a spay could give her another 6 months if she is in great health otherwise.

I will call to make an appointment first thing tomorrow and see what the vet says - she is in good health otherwise, my only concern is that her sister died of a PT in January... not sure how hereditary those are. I'll do some research on that today.
Just to give another opinion (as I've never had girls but have experience a few mammary tumors with Chelle) I would wait and see how fast it is growing and then go from there.
Thought that I would update here. I have been kept super busy by the kittens and ratties! It's been a fun week though.

Her "tumor" has not grown over the past week, and if I'm not absolutely crazy (there is a possibility that I am) it almost seems as though it has diminished in size. SO I am going to watch it, but book a vet appointment for Friday the 9th. Hopefully by then I will have a good idea of what is going on. I hope that it isn't a tumor. The kittens seem to be draining my vet fund... If it is though, I will have to get it removed... Poor little girlie, she won't be happy to go to the vet again (she hides in my shirt lol)
jorats said:
I wonder if it could be a fat deposit. Is it flat like and squishy?

It is still round, but smaller they what it was. It is still squishy too. It feels the same as Eve's tumor, but it has not grown like hers did. It was really hard to find when I checked her, I thought that I was looking at the wrong side. It doesn't hurt her when I play a bit with it (to find out what it feels like) because she doesn't squirm or squeak or try to get away. Now it is about the diameter of a dime.
I have no idea. This is confusing only because it has definitely diminished in size. Maybe it will just go away *fingers crossed*

I'll watch until Monday. If it is still there Monday I will call for a Friday appointment.

(Sorry if this makes no sense - I just woke up from a nap (with Cocoa sleeping under my chin :heart: )... I am still a tad out of it)
Is Cocoa by any chance a little chubby? One of my rats with a mammary tumor has a few rolls and depending on the day it appears to grow or shrink, but it hasn't really changed in size.
Oh she is a fattie :p Not too fat... ok well fat

Ok - lets put it this way: In my eyes - perfect. In someone else's - she could lose a bit.

She just loves her sugary treats sooooo much (I have REALLY cut these down. She gets less then 1/4 of what she was getting - only 2 per week. I feel so terrible about it haha. She looks at me like "hey!... where's my treat?")

That really helps with my confusion. This morning I could barely find it again. It's probably a tumor... but I still hope it just disappears :p lol

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