Well-Known Member
One of my boys, Kaos, has malocclusion. One of his bottom teeth is out to the side and is obviously causing him discomfort, if not pain. The part of his mouth where the tooth is sticking into is swollen. He won't let me look at it very good, so I really don't know much more. I am planning on taking him to the vet soon, but I have to wait and talk with the vet tomorrow to see how much it would be to trim his teeth and all. I can't afford more than $20 right now. My point of posting...what can I do between now and the vet visit to keep the pain/discomfort to a minimum? He is still eating fine, although i've been giving him baby food some because it's hard for him to chew some things. I also gave him a bowl of water attached to the cage because I noticed he was having trouble drinking from the water bottle last night. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated!
oh and rats (pets in generally really) should come with winning lottery tickets!!!
oh and rats (pets in generally really) should come with winning lottery tickets!!!