Well Gizmo and Gyro I believe are of adult age and in that stage of settling pecking orders. Gizmo is nearly 6months and Gyro is about the same, and I realized they had just had their first though brief boxing match, it happened very fast but was a bit tense. They both stood up on their hind legs, and pressed their front teeth to each other, no paw slapping. As soon as they did this though, Gyro immediatly broke off the stand off, to which he also started when Gizmo proceeded to get on top of him. Gyro broke off the standoff and ran with Gizmo close behind. No blood or scratching I could see, it was rather quick with a little bit of squeaking.
I guess at this point the question is, should I just let them settle their alpha stages while watching carfully? Or consider seperating them. I'd not like to seperate them as they are quite relaxed in their cage together but once they have free range of my room Gizmo gets a bit pushy.
I guess at this point the question is, should I just let them settle their alpha stages while watching carfully? Or consider seperating them. I'd not like to seperate them as they are quite relaxed in their cage together but once they have free range of my room Gizmo gets a bit pushy.