Male neuters vs. female spays

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2009
A quick question just out of curiousity b/c I need to downsize to just one CN cage. I currently have 6 boys in a double FN and 3 girls in a double CN. I have no behavioral issues that are major in any of the males or females and their cages are side by side in my craft room.

If I were to get rid of my FN and combine my boys and girls *no one panic!!* which ones would be most "beneficial" to get fixed. I know spays help with uterine and tumor issues with females and neutering males is always a good thing *rubs her hands together evilly* haha jk jk but no really...if it were you, which would you have done. Snip the boys of their toodles or spay the three girlies? Is there a medical reason to one over the other, or a just experience thing where someone wants to offer me the advice/opinion of what they would do?

Thanks you guys! :thumbup:

****EDIT**** Will the unneutered males if added in with the spayed females hump them and harrass them all day long? Odd question or :roll: question, but an honest one :gaah: hehe thanks!
Much better to spay girls ... more health benefits :nod:

Also, it isn't uncommon for boys to get neuter abscesses ... not fun for anyone :(
All girls that enter my home get spayed. The health benefits are huge for girls.

Oh you are going to have one lovely colony. I love watching my mixed colonies, they really complete each other, some pair off and have favorites. Some girls become maternal and take care of their man. Sweet!
I cant wait to get Patrick his girlys!
I think when i have enough cash that i will be getting the girls spayed aswell. I hope, that they will put him in his place. If he starts to bully them i will kick his butt. Im hoping getting two will mean he won't and that they will stick up for each other if he gets a bit OTT. I would LOVE for a girl to put my demon-boy in his place :D
All my girls get spayed too. The boys will go after the girls but soon realize the girls are not fertile anymore. Although I've had some girls let the boys have their way with them. Some become couples and some are motherly. It is so cute to watch. Good luck! You'll love a mixed colony.
In tact males may still do some mounting but since the ladies don't go into heat when spayed the boys will probably stop when it doesn't "go anywhere" for them, LOL. That said, some rats might be more humpity than others, and "favourites" especially might get a bit more attention. But, it goes both ways and spayed girls can certainly hump too!

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