A quick question just out of curiousity b/c I need to downsize to just one CN cage. I currently have 6 boys in a double FN and 3 girls in a double CN. I have no behavioral issues that are major in any of the males or females and their cages are side by side in my craft room.
If I were to get rid of my FN and combine my boys and girls *no one panic!!* which ones would be most "beneficial" to get fixed. I know spays help with uterine and tumor issues with females and neutering males is always a good thing *rubs her hands together evilly* haha jk jk but no really...if it were you, which would you have done. Snip the boys of their toodles or spay the three girlies? Is there a medical reason to one over the other, or a just experience thing where someone wants to offer me the advice/opinion of what they would do?
Thanks you guys! :thumbup:
****EDIT**** Will the unneutered males if added in with the spayed females hump them and harrass them all day long? Odd question or :roll: question, but an honest one :gaah: hehe thanks!
If I were to get rid of my FN and combine my boys and girls *no one panic!!* which ones would be most "beneficial" to get fixed. I know spays help with uterine and tumor issues with females and neutering males is always a good thing *rubs her hands together evilly* haha jk jk but no really...if it were you, which would you have done. Snip the boys of their toodles or spay the three girlies? Is there a medical reason to one over the other, or a just experience thing where someone wants to offer me the advice/opinion of what they would do?
Thanks you guys! :thumbup:
****EDIT**** Will the unneutered males if added in with the spayed females hump them and harrass them all day long? Odd question or :roll: question, but an honest one :gaah: hehe thanks!