I just found a tumor on my beloved Maebn :cry4: and my eyes have been leaking ever since. I know Maebny's getting old, she's about a year and a half, and girls do get mammory tumors but I feel like I've been gut shot.
My missymoo just had her mammary tumor (which was also infected) removed she is just over 2 years old and is 3 days over the op and is doing wonderful.
don't lose hope!! me and moo hoping all goes well for you both.
If it doesn't feel like it's 'stuck' to anything under it, and her breathing is good, removal would be easy. If it's financially feasible, I'd honestly recommend removal at least the first time when she's so young - she may well have a year left in her, lump or no lump, but even benign tumors suck the life out of our beloved rats when they get larger.