Maddy is sick

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
I thought Maddy looked a little skinny when I had them out playing yesterday, so I gave them lots of yummy treats and made sure she was eating. However, this morning she definately looks sick.

Porphy eyes, puffed up fur and just seems weak. Her breathing sounds ok, but maybe I'm just missing the sounds.

I will take her to the Emergency clinic this afternoon. (I have to work or I'd go sooner.)

I'm not sure how familiar the will be with rats, any advice on what to ask? I've given her a dose of Baytril and syringe fed her some babyfood this morning.
To be honest, I wouldn't bother with the e-vet, they rarely know anything about rats. Unless you went to Campus Estates or somewhere like that? Can you get her to your regular vet tomorrow?

You've started her on baytril, you said there are no lung sounds? Did you put her to your ear (rat phone) or just listened to audible sounds?
Can you check to see if her teeth are okay, any smells from ear or mouth, gently palpate her abdomen for any masses (use your other girls for example), also check her nails (hind usually) to see if they are dark red nailbeds or even bluish?
I can definately get her to the vet on Monday. (I'll tell them I have an appt, no need to elaborate on whether it's human or rattie).

Nails and abdomen seem fine. I can't really hear any breathing sounds, but she is now sneezing and her sides are "pulling". I took a video, although I can't seem to post it here. I'll try sending it to you if you don't mind.
StaceyM said:
I can definately get her to the vet on Monday. (I'll tell them I have an appt, no need to elaborate on whether it's human or rattie).

Nails and abdomen seem fine. I can't really hear any breathing sounds, but she is now sneezing and her sides are "pulling". I took a video, although I can't seem to post it here. I'll try sending it to you if you don't mind.

did you upload the video to a site? you can just link to the video through them. Photobucket or youtube are good.
I would just give her Baytril every 12 hours and see what she is like in the morning. I have had rats bounce back 24 hours after starting meds. Supplement with some high calorie & vitamin foods. I like baby cereal and alot use ensure. Hope she feel better soon. :hugs:
She is looking a little better already. I picked up some Ensure and baby cereal this morning, and will dose her with Baytril again tonight. I'll bring her into our vet on Monday.

Assuming she starts feeling better soon, what would be the minimum number of days I should keep her on the drugs? I know last time the vet only wanted to give me 5 days, is that enough?

I'm just assuming it's the same for rats as for people. Would stopping it too soon create baytril-resistant bugs?
Thanks Shel, I'll be sure to ask for 14 days.....I wouldn't want any "superbugs" coming back.

I brought them in to work with me today, because the office is closer to the vets than home. (I brought Ella as a "vet buddy" so Maddy wouldn't be scared and lonely).

My daughter decorated and set up their travel cage, and it looks fantastic....lots of fleece, hammocks and toys.....and two water bottles.....haha she must listen when I talk sometimes. (I always have 2 bottles in the big cage in case one leaks or gets clogged, and tell her you need plenty of fluids when you are sick.)

It seems the vet can't see me until 4pm, but in the meantime they are having a great day. They just shared a bit of my lasagna for lunch, and are now snuggled into their cube for a nap.
Aww! I hope she starts perking up soon! It's never fun going through any of that. Do let us know how she's feeling! Sending lots of healing vibes her way! :heart: :heart: :heart:
I'm also wondering how Maddy is doing today. I hope she gets better soon, I know *I* don't like being under the weather and know my rattie girls don't like it when they feel bad too.
She is feeling much better! Thanks everyone, and especially my oncall vet - lilspaz! LOL I really appreciate you helping me out during my panic attacks, especially given the real emergencies you are dealing with!

Those drugs sure do kick in fast sometimes. She isn't loving the banana baytril as much as the others have, so getting it in her hasn't been the easiest, but we'll keep at it.

Letting her wash it down with strawberry ensure seems to help :) My daughter is loving practicing her "future" vet skills in looking after her.

Too bad Maddy wasn't sick last week instead. She could have just got in the "meds" lineup we had going on at my house.... Then again I was SOOOO tired, we'd have to worry about me getting doses and meds mixed up. I don't know how my sons would have reacted to being syringed Ensure and Baytril :laugh4:

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