Mac Update

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
Maine US
So this morning, very early, we thought Mac was brighter, more chipper. Sally stayed with him all night in the recliner and/or sofa. We let our spirits lift some. But before I headed to work it seemed it was more of the same, listless Mac again. It was another horrible rainy day here, but I tried working anyway, staying in constant contact with Sally and trying to get Mac an appointment at the rat friendly veterinarian right near Bangor. By the time I gave up on work, I called home and Sally was histerical because she saw Mac failing. I drove the 35 miles home and, even though our appointment was still a couple hours off, ( and another 35 miles in another direction) I scooped both wife and rat up and headed to the vet.

The rat friendly vet clinic has one vet who is terribly allergic to rats, so we had to wait till this vet was gone for the day. We still had an hour to wait, but they got us in sooner--- I had been able to get across that Mac was in respiratory distress.

The non-allergic vet took one look at Mac and said to keep right on walking to the room where he could have oxygen. While they (we all helped) gave him oxygen, the vet gave Mac 3 shots: one diuretic, to help with the fluid in his lungs, one steroid, (which she doesn't like to use except in emergencies like this.) Then a third shot, a bronchial dialator.

Still getting oxygen, she prescribed that his current ab dose of Baytril be DOUBLED, and she gave us an ear drops containing Baytril so the disease could be fought from the inside and the outside. And a second antibiotic was prescribed to go with the doubled Baytril. And we were sent home with a diuretic to administer ourselves.

I can give names of all these meds tomorrow. I'm wiped out now. No can do. Good thing Sally is used to meds, people and rat meds alike.

Mac has responded. He's breathing much better now, and looking around, and trying to move around, but his vertigo is still there. We don't know whether it's permanent. May or may not be. He will be out of balance for awhile, especially today, he's so exhausted and full of meds.

We all prayed for a miracle, and it's looking like we got one. This is rather expensive, but we got more than an hour office visit, plus all the consultation and the meds for just under $200. If you love someone, you do it for them. But it brings home the responsibility we all have to our little friends. They're worth it. :heart:

It's been a long evening but we're home with him and we got the house warmed up very well. Mac will sleep downstairs with him, and his own private cage is right near on the love seat in case she needs to put him in a safe place. The only reason I'm not doing all this is I'm the only one here working right now (I have my own business and the next two days are to be sunny.) I got some practice last month with our agouti, Dusty, so I can take over any time needed, except, of course, when I'm at work.

Anyway, it's a middle or inner ear infection, not just an ear infection. These are harder to deal with I'm told, but are workable. But as some of you have said, it may be several weeks of ab.

I'll let you know. Poor Mac. What a day for him. Bless his huge heart :heart:
Sounds like you've got a great , vet. If it's just an ear infection he should come around fast enough but kept on meds for quite sometime.
Wishing your little Mac lots of healing... you and Sally are both such terrific people. :hugs:
What a trooper, keep up your fight Mac and you will succeed.
Finger are crossed and you are in my thoughts. :heart:
Glad to hear that things are finally looking up for your boy. The diurectic will be lasix (furosemide), the 2nd ab will be chloropalm, clavamox, doxycycline, bactrim/septra/TMZ, etc

The steroid really can do wonders for that inflammation pressing on nerves and convincing his body/mind the world has shifted. It removes the pressure which also makes him sick.

((hugs)) sleep now, you've done all you can for your Mac.
Except we just lost him. :cry3: Sally and I are absolutely devastated. I was on my way to Bar Harbor when I got her hysterical call, and I turned around. We are trying to decide how to tell Dan, 35 miles away in Bangor, who is supposed to drive home this evening. And his girlfriend Daisy, 90 miles away in Waterville. We will probably all get together, but if Dan is anything like me, he shouldn't be driving while broken up. But do we drop this on him when he comes through the door this evening, still expecting to see our recovered Mac?

Mac was just too sick, and this stupid business of not having the best help available all weekend long could have cost us precious time when we could have acted.

I'll post in the Rainbow Bridge forum later. I can't do much right now :cry3:
lilspaz68 said:
I am terrribly sorry Scott! :sad3:
He looks sort of like the Ivan in your sig. I still never have had a favorite rat; I love them all dearly. But Mac is the one Sally picked up in July, and somehow he sort of became hers. He's just a little boy, not old like Rascal. This hit so suddenly on Saturday morning, when we had so few options.

Mac is special to me to because he gave me my first dose of rat empathy. I was still broken up over Rascal, and then over a horrible video of rat abuse on the PITA site (i'll never watch one of those again.) Mac noticed me breaking up and came over to me and curled up by my side and stared up at me with those big, serious eyes.

I'll try to tell this story better. We just called Dan and he will come home from Bangor early.

What an awful fall season we've had. Lots else went wrong, and I had prayed for 3 miracles to happen. Two miracles did happen, and I'm thankful. But the third miracle, the one I prayed for all yesterday, did not. :cry3:

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