Mac and Chester - Your opinion

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2008
Montreal, Qubec
As most of you know, Chester is coming home from Newfoundland and I will be meeting him on Saturday.

Most of you know as well that I am dealing with some issues between Mac and Pollux, and that Mac has a tumour out in the open on his belly.

If they get along well, I was thinking to move Mac in with Chester until time comes to have Mac PTSed (my vet expects the tumour to constraint the urethrae and prevent him from peeing... not good). Of course, I am planning on introducing Chester to the whole group once he is no danger for my girls, and give them all daily out time together, but I would get Mac and Chester in a separate cage until Mac leaves. I'm thinking it would be an easier transition for Chester, who is used to living alone, and that it would release some stress away from Mac to not have Pollux bullying him along.

But I also know that adding Chester to the mix might completely change the cage dynamics and actually help remove tensions between my current boys.

What's your opinion on this?
I would see how Mac reacts to Chester and vice versa. If there are squabbles and wrestling, it may not be a good idea to put them together. I had to stop intros when Sophie was still alive just in case - Amy would sometimes squabble with her and although I would not normally be worried about it because they were minor, it was a different story with Sophie's compromised condition. It may be you have to put Mac with the girls and Pollux with Chester... it's hard to say until you see how they interact together. I think playtime all together is a wonderful idea, it will get them used to each other until they live together full time.
Chester is still quite young and might torment Mac with his young playful antics.
Once you'll have him home, you'll be in a better position to make the right choice.
I guess I still have a little time since as I intent to start intros with the boys ASAP, I also want to give Chester a full week to settle down and recover from surgery - no one would be moving in with him before next Saturday. Still, the idea was tormenting me as I see up and down sides to both scenarios...
Wait until he arrives before making any final decisions. Honestly you know your rats better then anything.

When I adopted this new kid I was pretty nervous. I know adult to adults can be alittle touchy. But somewhere in my gut I knew it would be a-okay.

Just see how they do. I do know that little one's can be a hand full!! LOL as I have 3 myself but you never know they may surprise you. :wink2:

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