Lumps on Jelly and Bean

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
USA, south central Pennsylvania
Hi everyone,

It's been a while. There has been a lot going on. The ratties got a ferret nation in Feb. and couldn't be happier. Sadly, during that time Bean also got a lump, but she got it removed. It was a mammary tumor. Then April came and Bean got another lump. So I took her to my vet and he said that it looks like a fatty tumor and he didn't want to do unnecessary surgery. He just wanted me to watch it. Well June is here now and Bean has another lump and this time Jelly has one too!! I'm really stressing out. I haven't taken them to the vet yet but I want to soon. I'm just fine with getting the lumps removed, but are they going to keep coming back every few months?! Has anyone else's rats got tumors this fast like this? What did you do? My poor girls!! :( This really stinks!!
I've had some done much older and it still helped. If they're in good health I would spay them. Good luck with your sweeties.

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