Lumps on Ariel and Hocapontas

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May 16, 2008
Bolton, Ontario
So the rattie princesses (both 1 1/2 years old) have each developed lumps in the last few weeks. The lumps are slowly growing - they are slightly more than pea-sized now.

I took them to the vet today to get his opinion - he recommended the lumps be removed sooner rather later. I agree with this, but he also said a couple of things that don't seem match with what I've read here. I brought up the topic of spaying at the same time as the lump removal and he said they were too old to safely spay (he admitted he's never done a rat spay). He also said I would need to bring them in the day before and they would be fasted beginning the night before the surgery. Does this sound right?

This vet is very pro-rat and he has dealt with the girls' lice, abcess, and sneezes, but my sense is that he is probably not seeing enough rats to be super-knowledgeable. I feel nervous trusting him with surgery.

I live just outside the GTA and I'm wondering if I should make the journey down to see Dr. Munn instead? It sounds like everybody trusts him.

P.S. He estimated the price of the lump removals at $400 per rat. This seems high?
There would be no advantage to spaying the girls now as they have the most benefit from spaying if done before 6 months of age. It would be an unnecessary risk.
Rats do not need to be fasted as they cannot throw up. This is the reason people fast - so they don't aspirate the vomit. Rats can eat and drink right up to the surgery, and will be better doing that; well hydrated and well fed.
$400 around here (in NS) is pretty steep if the lumpectomy is straightforward....More like $100. I would absolutely have the lumps removed though....
GAS ONLY!!!!! NO EXTRA SEDATION!!!!! (Trust me, I've learned through personal experience.)
Actually, we've found that spaying at any age is of great benefit to our girls.
But... that vet doesn't seem to know much about rats and surgery protocols. I probably wouldn't get them done either, not with that vet. Rats should never ever fast.
You don't need my voice when you've heard from such experience, but it's one more verification of 'ratties don't need to fast' all the same.
You'd hope a vet would know that basic thing about them if he was going to do a major operation on them - what else does he not know about their major differences from cats & dogs?
Even if you like your vet I'd suggest you ask here if anyone can recommend a more rat-experienced vet in your area, cause there's always a few posts on here (as now) about kids having troubles after surgery. Better to be sure the vet knows ratties if they're operating on them, and better for your heart to know it's the kid and not the vet if you're going thru troubles with them afterwards.
I don't believe that spaying at that age will have any real health benefit in terms of lumps, as the hormones will have "done their damage" already, so to speak. But it would obviously remove the threat of any later uterine issues.

That price is for JUST the lump removal, not the spay as well? If that's the case then yes, $400 is very high. I think a removal and spay together would come in less than that with Dr Munn. He is also very understanding of out-of-town customers who would not be able to pick up and drop off the same day (such as myself). Dr Munn is my vet for surgeries and other scary things, while I have vets in the area for when I know that all I need is some baytril/doxy, or revolution, or so on.

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