So the rattie princesses (both 1 1/2 years old) have each developed lumps in the last few weeks. The lumps are slowly growing - they are slightly more than pea-sized now.
I took them to the vet today to get his opinion - he recommended the lumps be removed sooner rather later. I agree with this, but he also said a couple of things that don't seem match with what I've read here. I brought up the topic of spaying at the same time as the lump removal and he said they were too old to safely spay (he admitted he's never done a rat spay). He also said I would need to bring them in the day before and they would be fasted beginning the night before the surgery. Does this sound right?
This vet is very pro-rat and he has dealt with the girls' lice, abcess, and sneezes, but my sense is that he is probably not seeing enough rats to be super-knowledgeable. I feel nervous trusting him with surgery.
I live just outside the GTA and I'm wondering if I should make the journey down to see Dr. Munn instead? It sounds like everybody trusts him.
P.S. He estimated the price of the lump removals at $400 per rat. This seems high?
I took them to the vet today to get his opinion - he recommended the lumps be removed sooner rather later. I agree with this, but he also said a couple of things that don't seem match with what I've read here. I brought up the topic of spaying at the same time as the lump removal and he said they were too old to safely spay (he admitted he's never done a rat spay). He also said I would need to bring them in the day before and they would be fasted beginning the night before the surgery. Does this sound right?
This vet is very pro-rat and he has dealt with the girls' lice, abcess, and sneezes, but my sense is that he is probably not seeing enough rats to be super-knowledgeable. I feel nervous trusting him with surgery.
I live just outside the GTA and I'm wondering if I should make the journey down to see Dr. Munn instead? It sounds like everybody trusts him.
P.S. He estimated the price of the lump removals at $400 per rat. This seems high?