Lucy's Spay

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
Nebraska, USA
Hopefully this will be the most boring thread on the forum. We're working with the pain protocols from Jo's vet, since the rest of the protocols were the same.

A pre-op tummy shot:


And her cute little face:


Pre-op weight is 266 grams. I'll work out and get a double check on the Metacam dosage needed once I get a post-op weight.

She has a SnuggleSafe going to the vet with her, and lots of fleece to snuggle into. The plan is to get her back with her cagemates 24-48 hours after surgery. She's a total people-rat, but I want to keep this low stress for her.
It's a routine spay. I'm just hoping that the thread will be boring because there was a high rate of complications with the last batch.
They do all their non-emergency surgeries in the morning, so they would have called me if something went wrong. Now I just get to wait for her to wake up properly (and for my cat to do the same) to bring her home.
254 g post op, which with 1.5 mg/ml calculates to... about 0.19 mL with the 1 mg/kg dosing, can be increased to 0.38 mL (2 mg/kg) if she's showing signs of pain.

Should I just start at the higher dose for a couple days then come down?

With the new pain protocols, she may be a little sore, but she's not showing any outward signs of pain. No owwie stretches!


Lucy looks great. Not sure about your vet but I have to wait 24 hours before starting the Metacam and only if she needs it. I hope Shelagh comes on as it seems a big dose to give her. Just my opinion though.
I'd hold off, if your vet is doing the same as my vet then you'll need to wait till the next day to start metacam. Metacam is also best to try at a smaller dose then work your way up if you feel she's in pain. If you feel she's not in pain then don't give her any.
I hardly never give any pain meds after a spay or neuter.
She advised to give her Metacam at around noon tomorrow and continue for a few days, considering that pain seems to be our biggest enemy when it comes to healing. If Metacam is like most painkillers, it's most effective if you keep it going rather than waiting for pain symptoms to appear. I just want to give her the best chance of leaving it alone to heal for the critical first days. I'll start with the lower dose and keep a close eye on her... I just don't want to make the mistake of undermedicating for pain (which may have led Kiwi and Sparta to chew at their incisions) again.
Absolutely go with our gut instinct. But remember that metacam can get her thinking that she's feeling so good that she'll actually tire herself out. It's going to be a difficult balance for you but you'll learn fast at what is best for your girl. You are very observant.
:nod: I'll try to keep Lucy at the point where she's a little uncomfortable when she moves too much, but no owwie stretches or puffiness or excessive wound grooming. Which probably means gradually reducing the Metacam dose over a few days while she's still healing externally. And cuddling her a lot. :wink2:
She's back with her cagemates, and everybody is leaving the incision alone. Yay! She's on medium dose Metacam (according to the Rat Guide) and I'll be keeping an eye on her to see if she's showing any signs of distress. Still no owwie stretches.

I'm cautiously optimistic here.
Everyone's still leaving it alone, and she comes out when I call her to show off her tummy. :joy:

I think we got it ri-ight! :bunnydance:

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