Looking for some HELP... PLEASE...

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Jul 9, 2011
Hi I have 7 babies that were dropped off at my doorstep you could say, I have been caring for these little guys (dont know if they are rats or mice?) since Jul 5/11 I dont know much, well actually I dont know anything about rats or mice, I live in a very rural area, with no access to getting any sort of help for these little babies.. Please if someone can help me in finding someone who knows about taking proper care of these little ones, I could sure use some help and fast, I dont think I have the capability to give them the care they so desperately need and deserve, I just couldnt leave them in a field somewhere without trying to help them as much as I could, but Im realizing now that they need so much more than I am able to provide, I have 4 jack russell terrier's and if any of you are familiar with this breed know that my guys hunt little critters..Right now the babies are kept in my heated garage, and my dogs are kept out, but they can smell the rats/mice through the door. Anyways if anyone knows of anyone that can help me, I would greatly appreciate it, I have never owned a rat or mouse in my life so I dont have any experience with these guys and they really need someone who can do a better job at caring for them, they are very tiny and need lots of care, that I feel they are not getting from me, Im trying to keep them going but my god they need so much more than I can do, I cannot care for them long term, Its already been too long they need to be with someone who has the know how to look after them properly in order to have a fighting chance, sorry for rambling, but Im feeling a little desperate, I really need some help... my email is: [email protected]
Sad news to report, I lost a baby overnight, I will try contacting a wildlife rescue tomorrow to see if they can help, I have a few more pics of them that I had taken beside a few coins, I tried posting them here but for some reason they didnt post, if u want me to send them to you just email me please... I need to get some help and fast, I dont want to lose any more babies... Im desperate for someone to take them, I just dont have the know-how to care for these little guys.... And they deserve a chance... Thx.. P.s. Im leaving shortly to go get some soy formula.. Hopefully that will help in the interim.... Just tried downloading pics again now did not work.... Sorry
"SQ" I just emailed u some new pics, could you please upload them here, as I have tried several times and they wouldnt/didnt take... Thx..
I am so very very sorry that one of the babies died :sad3:






Mice or rats ... too young for eyes to be open yet.
I found this info at : http://en.allexperts.com/q/Mice-3824/20 ... -mouse.htm
re hantavirus
I know the hantavirus is bad and all but only a small percentage of them have it (and probably less than the average here, there have been very few cases in my province), and from what I've read, even if the mother has it, she passes antibodies to the babies that protect them for their first 2 months. So (I'm no virologist and I know you aren't either) I think what that means is that *if* their mother had it, they may still shed the virus for a little while (days? weeks? no idea) but probably a smaller amount than a mouse who was in active infection phase (?? guessing) and that they will not become carriers long term.

So yeah to me it seems that the likelihood of catching it from them is really small;

Answer to this person:

Hantavirus is extremely rare, and mothers don't pass it to their babies. I don't know how the virus works-- I just bought a book about it so I might know soon-- but people usually get it from being in contact with infestations of old mouse poops and urine. I myself wouldn't worry for a second about an infant pup, though for obvious legal and moral reasons, I can't make any guarantees to you. Still, I can see that your vets might not be willing to take the chance. Chances are they know very little about the virus.

A vet can test the babies to make sure they do not have the virus.
I found a picture of what is suposed to be baby deer mice.
Here they are:

They look a lot like the pictures of the babies previously posted.
I also found several posts of people raising orphaned deer mice.
Info I read say they will do well in captivity and make good pets.
It's too bad you guys don't have a wild life centre. We have an amazing one here. Even though it's all volunteer, they do a great job raising, rehabilitating all wild life and successfully reintroducing back into the wild.
I thought they looked awfully big to be mice too ...
Wish they were closer so I could see them in person.
Edit: but after seeing the picture, I'm pretty sure they are deer mice
I'm not sure though. The mice I had (pictured) were domestic, these may be a different species of wild mice. They don't look like wild Norway rats either and I don't think they're domestic because they all have the same markings. They look really skinny though :( Are there ship rats on the east coast?
They look like deer mice to me. I actually have an adult deer mouse that my cat injured over 2 years ago, so he couldn't be released. He lives in a 20 gallon tank with a domestic female mouse (different species, so no chance of breeding). We can't pick him up, but he's just tame enough now that he lets us pet him.

Last year I raised an orphaned litter of voles that were about the same stage of development as these little ones. I fed them soy formula with a small syringe (without the needle) every couple of hours, and they all did great once they figured out how to eat from it. One important thing I learned was that the mom cleans them after they eat to stimulate urination and defecation. If deer mice are the same, you need to rub a moist cotton ball under their tails after they eat.

There was a guy from Colorado I contacted when I first had our mouse; he knows a lot about deer mice, so I'll see if I can find his contact information.

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