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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
Sudbury, Ontario
I wasn't sure where to put this I've done a search and nothing came up so,...what is a rats longevity??? twice now this weekend I was told rats can live up to 5 years old I always thought it was 2
Lack of intelligent breeding in the past decades has swiftly decreased Many pocket pets longevity. I have heard people say that 20 years ago they had pet rats that regularly lived 4-6 years, but these days 2-3 is normal, with 4 being exceptional. Unfortunately. =( And health problems most readily start hitting around the 18 month + mark.
Not that many years ago rats were living 4 to 5 years.
The average life span has been dropping since then.
Now it is rare for a rat to reach 3 years of age.
The average lifespan now seems to be 2 years old or less, and this is with excellent care, good vet care, etc.

In the last two years, I have seen more and more rats developing serious heart conditions, etc under one year of age.

Many people attribute the lowering lifespan to both:
- horrible genetics caused by bad breeding (few if any rat breeders are breeding properly for health)
- all the various strains of myco which attack their immune systems and slowly damages/destroys their organs.
A rat may have many different strains of this disease in their little bodies.
There is no cure, it is highly contagious and it is assumed that all rats have at least one strain of myco.
I say anywhere from 18 month to 3 with 2 being the average I would have to agree with SQ and say 2 really is the norm.
I would say average is 2 but a lot make it to 26 months or just over 2. 3 is rare, and I was an owner of a 4-5 year old rescue rat. He was awesome! My first rescue. I miss you Big Mac (he was found at McDonalds) and he used to love lying on his back against my side so I could stroke his belly.

But the health of rats overall has declined badly over the years.
wow so I may be counting days with Curious as he turned 2 in December... :sad3: he'll have the best few months he's ever had.... :heart:
I'd also agree with 18 months - 3 years. My oldest rat was 3 1/2 years when I was younger, the second oldest being a few days short of his 3rd birthday. I have a couple of girls right now that are 33 months and going strong. I think they will make it to 3, which is definitely a treat!

My youngest death was one of my first rats who passed away suddenly while I was on vacation. He was at home with my sister and died at about 13 months. I've had a few only make it to 18 months, but since I learned more about care and health treatments, they've been making it to at least 2 years on average.
I was trying to be optimistic in my other reply, since I knew he was already 2. I think he still looks pretty good, I'm sure he'll be around for awhile yet :)
I don't think Curious is as old as they say he is but I could be wrong. Mamie when you get a chance take a good picture of him and post it on here. Some of the girls might be able to tell you how old he maybe be.If he is two he is in good shape.

he might be 18 months, which means you could have at least 6 months, or maybe 10 months or more with him. I would like to see a profile pic of the whole boy to see how he stands on his hind feet.
Maple said:
Does this rule of thumb still apply if the females are spay?

None of my spayed girls has ever developed a mammary tumour, etc.
But like my boys, they have had heart failure, pt and other neurological problems, respir. problems from badly damaged lungs, etc.
So I would say yes ..... although most have lived well over 2 years and my Leah is now over 3 years.
I agree with the 18 months - 3 years estimate. The longest lived rats I've had have all been around the 36-month mark and I think the youngest (aside from those that died of trauma etc.) was still over 2 years.
lilspaz68 said:
he might be 18 months, which means you could have at least 6 months, or maybe 10 months or more with him. I would like to see a profile pic of the whole boy to see how he stands on his hind feet.
will do that tonight
ok so I took a couple of pictures of side view but it's hard taking him while he's walking his belly touches the ground like he walks really low to the ground

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