Long term benedryl

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Active Member
Mar 4, 2011
Reno, Nevada
Some time ago my rat Beverly showed signs of an URI. The vet gave us baytril and doxycycline, but she never showed much improvement. My vet suggested I try childrens benadryl for 7-10 days before we tried another antibiotic combo. And Beverly improved alot more on the benadryl, so she's been on it for a couple of weeks now and seems to be back to normal. What she could be allergic to I'm not sure, nothing has changed in the 5 months I've had them.
But I'm wondering if anyone else has had to put their rats on benadryl long term, and if so how it worked out. Is it possible I'll have to give it to her for the rest of her life?
We had one of our rats on Benadryl for about a year, we were dosing by the guide on the Rat Guide. We stopped after he developed a mild URI and went on a 6 week antibiotics course.

His allergies don't seem to bother him as much anymore, not sure what changed. He is still a little sneezy, but we haven't had to restart him.
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one! She gets benadryl once a day, and she's really good about taking it. I just wondered how common this was. If in the future she can be put on a less frequent dose that would be great too. I'm just happy she's better now.
Funny the vet and I talked about this as well...seems this time last year and again this year I got a cpl sneezers same ones this year as last Diamond, Peanut and Sketchie everyone else seems fine. The vet had us on 4weeks of abs but said maybe allergies ....so might possibly try benedryl for my boys Peanut and Sketchie if they are sneezing again soon.

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