long bout of URI, think I finally nipped it!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
A few months ago one of my boys (only 6 months old at the time) developed a very noisy URI. I had him on baytril and doxy which subdued it but never fully got rid of it, even after increasing the dose. About 5 weeks ago I finally took him to the vet because it was driving me crazy to hear him and I felt bad that it was lasting so long (although other than the noise he acted very healthy and active, played and popcorned, ate lots, never had porphyrin etc). I had been talking to lilspaz through pm, and she suggested to get him on zithromax. I was a little disappointed when Dr. Munn said to keep him on baytril and doxy, and prescribed Metacam as an anti-inflammatory, but I thought I'd give it a try. Well it didn't seem to be helping. A few weeks later I got a voicemail saying Simon had meds waiting for him (was never told they were ordering in anything), it was Theophylline. I told them that he was still sick and I'd like zithromax, they said that this new med along with the others is an effective treatment. I didn't really like what I read about the med and I was frustrated that they were having me keep him on baytril/doxy, I didn't want to add more on top, I wanted to change it. I decided to go ahead and order amoxicillin since I had read about it online http://www.ratfanclub.org/resp.html, I didn't want to drop another 100 bucks every time something they had me try didn't work (if the amoxicillin didn't work, then I'd take him in again). On top of that his brother had started making the noises too so I was stressing. Long story short, I've been giving baytril and amoxicillin for 2 weeks now and I haven't heard a peep out of them. I wish I had tried it months ago, but I never read of anyone using it so I didn't.

Anyway I thought I would share my success and put that out there as an option if anyone is finding baytril/doxy isn't working.
That's great that the combo is working for you.
It's really unfortunate that your vet didn't want to give you the Zithromax. Some vets are more comfortable to work with what they know already works in their experience. But still...

Please note: if anyone wants to know where the amoxi was bought please PM the poster. I believe it's not legal to ship meds in without a vet prescription and online shopping for meds is not a 100% safe alternative.

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