Little toe got stuck

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Senior Member
Apr 22, 2009
Yesterday my two month old boy Jimmy got his feet stuck in a wire somehow. I came too late and struggling to get out of it, a little toe got crushed. There was no blood coming out but one can see it darker inside of the skin (i don't know how you say that in english... it's the same as when someone is punched and gets a dark eye). The toe isn't straigt anymore, it got twisted to the side. I don't know if it's broken or only twisted. Cleaned it using a cotton with alcohol. It hurts when i touch it, but Jimmy seems to be taking it ok. What else can i do?
if its moved to the side then it is possibly broken..
has it swollen at all? The dark skin will either be a bruise or a blood blister under the skin
Well i hope it heals easily then!
He's active and playful to the other rats like always, but seems a bit nervous around me... i picked him up right after he got hurt, and touched his wound and put alcohol on it... so he seems to think it was fault that it hurt. Silly boy :roll:
Keep an eye on it but it should heal just fine.
Many years ago, I had a baby rat whose toe was almost completely severed and after a panicked trip to the vet where I was reassured, it healed fine.

No wonder he thought it was your fault he was in pain
Thanks S.Q.! I'll keep an eye on and if it doesn't look like it's healing i'll take him to the vet.

I know, i'm just trying to watch his behaviour as well as the wound, if he was acting weird to the rats as well, it would mean he is really uncomfortable. Actng differently just to me, i guess he has his reasons :wink:
The swallow is gone, the bruise can still be seen and the toe isn't completely straight, but it looks like it's healing fine so far!
jorats said:
Those are so common. I wouldn't worry unless it becomes infected.

I had a similar situation and despite almost having a nervous breakdown my vet said not to worry unless it became infected and sure enough it healed wonderfully on its own. But I did watch the toe carefully.

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