We have had our two boys since the early part of May. They are housed in a single CN. Initially we started out with Care Fresh Ultra bedding and Care Fresh litter in the litter boxes. This worked out very well for the litter training, the boys picked it up almost immediately. Three boxes, two corner boxes on bottom, one small box on top. However I found the smell of the Care Fresh bedding was horrible and did nothing to help with the smell of the guys urine either. Last week I switched to fleece liners for the cage but kept the Care Fresh litter in the litter boxes. Almost immediately the guys started pooping outside their litter boxes. At first it was the odd poop, but now they are not using the boxes at all. They are pooping all over their cage, not in one particular spot, even in their wheel. Can anyone tell me why this behaviour has started? And possibly how I can fix it and get my guys going back in their litter boxes? I'm planning on trying Yesterdays News litter starting tomorrow when I clean their cage. Thanks for reading!