Lily - Pulmonary Abscesses?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth

Black berkshire from the Moncton Rat Train. She was 5 months when she arrived and is 17 months now. About 3 months ago she started having respiratory issues, but not a typical URI. Gasping in the corner, sudden resp. attack. Gave her rescue shots (injectable gentocin, and dex) for relief and then started her on oral baytril and doxy. Seemed to recover. A month later, another attack, thought she was going to die again, did the same thing...the oral meds barely touched it. She was getting thin, and breathing costally (through the flanks/abdomen) so I added in enalapril to see if it was heart response. Baytril/doxy did nothing, so tried baytril/amoxicillin, and baytril/oral dex. Very little response. Decided to go big guns and started every 2nd day rescue shots. That worked. :) For awhile at least. Then it didn't work as well, and then last week she completely flipped out and refused to let me inject her, she was so stressed she was gasping and panicked running for 2 was awful! :sad3: So I went back to oral meds which worked for a few days (didn't do a lot but helped her maintain a little) then she did the same thing. I offered her meds in with cereal and she would only eat a little. I tried the enalapril again, with no my "diagnosis" is pulmonary abcesses which cause the lungs to be consolidated. The abs wont' touch it, the dex barely reduces the inflammation and there is very little room for air in the actual lungs now. Last night, I offered her a small bit of Ensure with baytril and dex in it, and she gobbled it down. I let her sleep on the bed with me last night, as her cagemates are NOT kind. She of course is the only truly sweet one of the bunch. :roll: She slept behind the pillows or in the pillow cave I made for her and when I saw her this morning, I was hoping she would be much better...sigh, not really. :cry3:

I am considering having her pts on Monday. :( She's so thin, and I cannot cure her. I am frightened she will die from a terrible respiratory attack at home, and those are just agonizing.





Breathing while eating some baby cereal
Oh she is very thin......I can't think what else you could possible do.....Somthing major is obviously going on. Only 17 months so sad......
Poor sweet thing. We've had our share of rats with pulmonary abscesses... all confirmed through postmortems. It's a horrible disease with a horrible end.

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