Sorry for the double post and the edit. I'm so scatterbrained right now with studying and instead of just typing what I need to say, I throw something out, submit and then realize what else I wanted to say right after. :emb: Okay, gonna take my time.
lizmo1221 said:
I also would have pushed more for the revo. Skin scraping tests are useless in my opinion, as they cause pain and stress, and often come up negative in rats (even if there are bugs). Besides, you said you SAW lice, a tell tale sign that she has (guess what?!) LICE! lol
I know! He seemed surprised that I even mentioned "lice" he kept saying "mites" and I would say "lice" and he would look puzzled. I brought up the fact that I had in fact pulled some off, physically popped a few, and would search through her fur. My boyfriend even got kind of annoyed with me after we left because I was pretty insistent. He was like: "Maybe she isn't INFESTED with lice, but just had like 1 or 2?" :wallbang:
lizmo1221 said:
... What I like to do is take the relevant printouts of The Rat Guide, which is a database created by rat vets in the states, and show them to the vet when you go. It will go over a lot better than "Well, other rat ppl on a forum I'm a part of said this...", as its coming direct from a reputable veterinary source.
I would call and ask for more abs, and revolution for everyone, and explain why (according to the rat guide). Try to talk directly to the vet, not relaying messages thru the receptionists, which in my experience can be frustrating. Hopefully he is receptive to your comments, and is willing to learn more along with you about the finer points (as a lot of vets are willing to do).
Will do!
I feel really irresponsible now, like I should've known all this and just.. didn't. I mean, I was pretty sure about what I wanted to ask and hearing all the great advice is making me feel like: "Duuuur..." I really should've known all this already.