Well-Known Member
Well I woke up today and I noticed my most active rat is suddenly less active. She was laying at the bottom of the cage hiding in a box, I figured maybe she was tired because of the heat. She tends to get dramatic when it gets hot. Well I continued my routine I was cleaning there cage and I put them in the little cage, and i looked over and noticed she was again just laying at the bottom not moving. Normally she just darts all over the place checking out all her surroundings. When I was done with the cage I examined her a bit. I noticed she seemed very limp and when I put her back in the cage she kinda slid in. I put her on the top floor to get a better look at her and noticed her leg looked funny. I watched her walk and she was limping. She had her leg tucked close to her side. I felt so terrible when I realized it. I put her on the bottom of the cage and put some food and water down there for her. She perked up once she ate and got water(poor little girl probably couldn't get to any all night that makes me wanna cry). She seems to be in pain, there seems to be no swelling so far. Has anyone had a rat with foot trouble? I don't know what to with her, I want to help her but I don't know how. :cry: