Leg injury?

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New Member
May 17, 2011
Okay, as I was going to lay down this morning, my sister(who's visiting and love my hairless to death)can and told me "There's something up with Chin wa(the hairless)". So worried out of my mind(he's had a few problems, with one time tussling with his cagemates he got bedding stuck under his eyelid), I crawl out of my bed(I hadn't been to sleep yet). Walk into the living room where the cages are located, and move his buddies off him and find his back right leg is swollen quite a bit, it looks like a small grape. It's right around where like what would be the knee/calf/ankle area would be(in that general spot, not onto his foot or his upper back hip). So we called my mother who's at work(one car right now since I still live with her at the moment) seeing if she could get off, and take us to the vet, no good. So have him in a separate cage, clean bedding no climbing, it's a bit hard to do that since the other cage I have for him is huge and he tends to like to climb around a lot. He's got a nice soft surface to curl up on, food and water in easy reach. But I'm worried since I won't be able to get into see a vet to may this evening or even as late as tomorrow(I hope no later).

I'm just a bit curious on if there is anything I can do to help him be more comfortable, he's not squeaking too much when it's touched, he chitters angerly and pulls away but not really much squeaking. Or if there is any way for me to have an idea of what he did, the floors are wire but they are covered up so they don't have to walk on them, the only wire is on the ramps, the ones in the cage do like to tussle around so I'm think they might have roughhoused a bit and he fell, or did something to it.

Thank you for your time.
Are you saying that it looks like there is a mass the size of a small grape around the ankle? Or is the ankle area swollen? If it's the foot that is swollen, then it's probably a sprain. No need to separate the rats. The swelling should go down in a few days.
It's his ankle, I seprated him from the others do to the fact that the cage they are in now, is a bit too dangerous for him to be in with an injury.

just an update, I managed to get him to the vet on friday. It a bad sprain, so they have him on some meds and he goes back in two weeks for a check up. My new vet is much better than the last one I had after my old one moved, he actually has rats of his own so he at least know what he's doing.

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