Due to an unexpected litter (their Mama was supposed to be male and a friend for my older male) I have 2 male babies that I plan to keep.
My question is how well siblings get along together after they are grown? I intend to keep them living together, and hopefully add them to their Papa's cage when they are a bit bigger (they are currently 3.5 weeks old)
Do siblings who have grown up together generally stay good friends? Would it be better to not put them with their Papa?
I also plan on keeping Mama and 2 of her daughters from the same litter. The other 3 daughters have a good home pending. Will the "smell" of females around cause the boys to act erratically? I don't intend to have any altered.
My question is how well siblings get along together after they are grown? I intend to keep them living together, and hopefully add them to their Papa's cage when they are a bit bigger (they are currently 3.5 weeks old)
Do siblings who have grown up together generally stay good friends? Would it be better to not put them with their Papa?
I also plan on keeping Mama and 2 of her daughters from the same litter. The other 3 daughters have a good home pending. Will the "smell" of females around cause the boys to act erratically? I don't intend to have any altered.