Just need some advice with this infection

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
KW/Guelph, Ontario
Hey All

I've been having some issues with infections here. I recently lost one of my SKinKids to a rapid onset of successive abcesses.
Now my remaining SkinKid is going thru the same thing. Caillou luckily is not losing condition as of yet but I don't want for him to get there.
He is currently on antibiotics (Chloropalm sp?) three times daily for the last two weeks (well started on Thanksgiving Monday).

I was treating just one abcesses and an odd looking lumpy that appeared by it. The odd looking lump that would only give fluid when we were at the vets developed into an abcess. Now the original two abcesses have healed up nicely but I'm staring at three more (only one of which is wide open).

I'm fine with keeping him on meds til Wednesday but after that I don't know what I should do? I will be going back to the vet asap but that won't be til next week.
In the meantime I don't really know what I should try to do with him. I am medding him three times daily and flushing the wound at least once a day.

Thanks for any advice

I don't have any words of wisdom for you. Chlorpalm should be a good choice for what you are describing, but it doesn't seem to be working. There are a couple of members with lots of experience with abscesses, so it will be worth waiting for what they have to say.
Yep, ok.. so those are abscesses. And the one with Izma is a keratin cyst. Keratin cyst are usually left alone.
It's a concern that the Chlorpalm is not working, it's a good one for abscesses. But another one you could try which has worked 100% of the time for abscesses with our colonies is Bactrim aka Novotrimel aka Septra. It's got a lot of names. lol
I remember once on another forum, a member was having the same issues with her rat. She tried every thing and each time I kept telling her to try Novotrimel. Finally she did and it cleared up all the abscesses.
I would attempt the bactrim as its specifically for that type of infection. Do you have him on pain meds as well to bring down any swelling? Poor little bugger, it almost looks systemic.
I'll see about getting some Septra for him.
Unfortunately he is not on pain meds but I'll ask my vet for those too.
I'm just praying it isn't systemic... I'd feel awful to have another boy get so sick.

On an aside, could this susceptibility be genetic? Both my furred boys are looking just fine, only Alvin has a lump.
The cage is being cleaned every three days. They're on fleece and they have a litter box.
I'm just trying to prevent this from occurring in any in more of my boys if this has to do with my husbandry.
It sounds more like a genetic predisposition...those nakies are little time bombs :(

You may also want to consider isotonic saline soaks instead of flushes. I don't think those are regular abscesses at all. Was there a fight? I have had abscesses come up like sausage links...under the skin, then a narrowing and a deeper one...they all came up slowly.
There wasn't any fights, so that's why it bugs me so much.
One second he was fine and the next day he has a lump...and that lump develops into a nasty set of abcesses.

I think I'm going to have to suck it up and just bring him to a vet here in Guelph (even tho they're all morons...)
I have to take pics when I get home but...
He's Gonna make it!! The wounds are healing so nicely, and he just started the Septra today so hopefully this will stop this infection dead in it's tracks and I'm praying for no more
We've been dealing with the abscess from hell with Onyx atm. It started out a little bump next to his penis and basically spread fully around his penis and basically opened up his whole lower half. We're really surprised he's still alive. He had to go under to get antibiotic beads stapled into the area and have it extensively scrapped out about 3 or 4 times (he's a little over 2). Our vet did a culture and there were 4 or 5 different bacterias reeking havoc, all of which were covered by Clavamox. Perhaps a culture wouldn't hurt if the meds don't work out.

Glad to hear they do seem to be working though!

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