Just discovered what I think is a tumor on Shiloh -questions

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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2009
BC, Canada
I just discovered what I think is a tumor on Shiloh. :( I am going to make a vet appointment tomorrow morning.

It's a little bigger then a dime and near her right leg, almost by her genitalia. It doesn't seem to hurt her at all. It's harder and definitely not soft. She's 2 in October and I should have seen this coming but I'm really sad. I get strong unexplainable feelings most times when something is wrong with one of my pets, before they show any symptoms or signs, and I have had a feeling about Shiloh for a while now, but she seemed and still does, perfectly healthy.

I've never had to deal with a tumor in my own rat before so I have some questions... I know my vet will answer these but until I cna see him I just want some peace of mind. :?

1. What are the chances that this is cancerous?
2. How do doctors treat/test to see what it is, and if it is cancerous? How much do these tests generally cost?
3. How much does tumor removal generally cost? I live in Canada.
4. Shiloh is almost 2 and has had a litter before, and given the area of the tumor, would it be safe to operate?

5. A couple months ago, Shiloh's back legs mysteriously swelled up and she was almost dragging her back legs. I brought her to the vet the next morning and he said he had never seen something like it before, and his only guess was that she had probably fallen. He gave me measured out ibuprofen to give her for a week and it went away. I have been uncertain ever since though because I really just don't see how she could have fallen in her cage, if she did it wasn't very far or hard. And why would both her back legs swell up? Now given the location of this tumor, I am wondering if it is connected. Has anyone experienced this?

Thankfully she doesn't seem at all uncomfortable. I am just scared for her though. She is my angel. :heart: She is the girl in my avatar, I'm not ready to say goodbye to her.
There's a possibility from the description that the tumour might be an abscess. I would try compressing it and see if it comes to a head.
All masses and tumours are called cancers some are benign while others are malignant. It's the malignant ones you don't want.
If this does turn out to be a tumour, it's most likely a benign mammary tumour. It's easily removed when small.
In my neck of the woods, tumour removals are $300.
It's safe to get it done if you have a very good rat savvy vet.
I can't see a tumour near her genitals affecting her legs. If it was a tumour on her spine then that would explain the swelling.
You could bring her into the vet and have him have a feel at it. He can aspirate it and that will tell him if it's a tumour or an abscess.
I'm pretty sure it is an abcess now, it has turned red today. I am SO relieved that it is not a tumor! Thank you! :)
Can you post a pic of it? It sounds as though it could be a peri-urethral abscess. But peri-urethral tumors are actually rather common too. And may also sometimes see a peri-urethral tumor that abscesses. If you could post a pic of it, that might help. Especially to see the location of it. On females, you'll see those to one side or the other of her urethra..but if they are VERY close to the urethra, you have to be VERY careful. With tumors especially because they are not only difficult to remove, they can break through the urethra.

I'm certainly not trying to scare you. But we've had our share of both here, and I've even had TWO girls who had to have part of their urethra's removed during surgery. It's an extremely delicate surgery and even the best of exotic vets, find it challenging.

For peri-urethral abscesses, it's even more important to properly flush AND pack (neosporin) so they can heal from the inside out. That's one area you do not want to risk it closing up and reinfecting.

Anyway, maybe we could focus on the location (even if you do think it's an abcess) and go from there. A pic would really be helpful.

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