Jewel Rescue Rat with injured tail surgery today Pics Includ

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2010
Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada
Jewel the PEW that Jam picked up for me last weekend has her surgery today. She was put on Antibiotics over the weekend so Fridays surgery was held today. She is there now at the vets.

I do want to take this time to remind everyone to NOT pull on the tails and to becareful when handling the ratties. This little girl had her tail accident when the previous owners children were playing with her before she was to be picked up, Jewel had gotten into their recliner chair and when she was pulled out, her tail caught and it ripped about a 1/4 of her tail by the tip. This surgery has cost around $214 just to amputate this 1/4 piece and a bit more to make sure and cover the end. In total she will be losing approx 1/2 her tail.

She will be home at 2pm today and I cant wait.

I will update with pics when shes home...

This is Jewels tail pre operative
Ok heres an update sans photo for now..

Jewels surgery went very well yesterday and she was given a clean bill of health. She woke from anesthetic wonderfully and than decided that the stitches were not welcome. The vet tried her best to fit a collar on her but they couldnt get Jewel to stop removing it. Apparently She is smarter then I give her credit for lol.. So the vet decided to tape it and so far Jewel can not get it off as its to painful to tug on. We went back to the vets this morning at the vets request to check stitches and tape. The tape had a few bite marks but for the most part it wasnt chewed more than 2% and its stuck on. The vet put her on Pain Meds as her tail is soo painful to the touch and she doesnt want Jewel to have phantom pain after being healed. So I now have Pain meds and Anti-biotics to try and get jewel to take. Friday we go back for one more look and than Feb 12th for stitches removal. As I told Jam, Jewel is a snuggler right now and we snuggled for many hours last night. I do know that once she is healed she will be back to our explorer girl. I do hope the snuggles are as contagious to her as me and she keeps it going. She has about half the length of her tail left.

As much as I foster and adopt out, this girl is a forever angel to me. She stole my heart and is a permanant family member.

I will post pics of her later promise. :)
Oh as a side chuckle..

I went in the vets yesterday to pick her up and said to the girl as I walked in "wheres my baby, I want to take her home" :) They smiled and said we will go get her. Now the funny is this. Everyone who works there and my son Chris and I knew I was talking about a rat. There was these 2 ladies there and all dressed to the nines in all designer clothes ( this is normal as this town is old tobacco money) they smiled big smiles when I said this. Now when I walked out after speaking to the vet and getting jewel I brought her out in her travel cage and the ladies looked over and had a look of a combination of fear and disgust. I said to them "Yes its a rat" then thier faces dropped lol.. I than said " its amazing on what we do for our family members and what we are willing to pay for, She needed a tail amputation before infection set in". well I tell you my son started to chuckle and the ladies looks could of killed me... I thought they were going to become the chair as they sat back so fast and far and even pulled their dog closer to them. I guess they didnt want my scary rat (sarcasm) coming after the dog lol...

I can not wait for my daughters speeches to be read. yes both the 12 and 10 yr old are doing speeches on Rats and what wonderful family pets they make. Wonder how many adults will freak out like these 2 ladies did. This time I will have a camera to catch it lol..
:giggle: that happens to me all the time at the vet. but people here are a little bit more understanding than what those two appear to be.
i can so relate to your story sprite. i got better reactions when one of my girls rode my sholder in and outta walgreens. the checkout girl even wanted to pet her :giggle: but at the vet, whew. some of those looks i got. and i got so mad at this one lady, she was like ''why the hell are you bringing in a rat to the vet? that's disgusting'' and i was like "they're animals too. they need to see the vet if something is wrong with them. rats can get sickk just like any other animal. i'm sorry that you're so close minded." she just shook her head and walked away...

my girl actually was being barbered... and before i was on this lovely forum, and had zero knowledge i took her to the vet to make sure she was okay! my other rat had barbered off some fur from her leg. i actually found out what it was by reading one of debbie duncan's (sp) books.
Hey Sprite :D
Thanks SO MUCH for the update on my (okay - your) little sweetie - your pm and the postings. I love that your vet office is so taken with her :nod: . As you know, it was quite a shocker when I first picked her up from the lady who was trying to re-home her - she felt so bad. I am so glad that she has stolen your heart and become a snuggle-baby too. i am going to predict that she will get back to exploring but continue to love snuggles. Look forward to picks. How's her sister doing? And the babies? Any homes found? Need pics when you get a chance:)
Holy busy busy week...

Auntie Jam and all our friends...

So heres an update from the vet today. We went to just do a look at the tail again, this was also requested by the vet.. I am starting to think they just want to see her lol.. As for the visits all this week they were no charge.. So her tail is doing great and she has the bandage off now. The stitches are out on the 12th. Jewel since being on pain meds has been odd but in a good way. About 15 min after getting her dose she will take all blankets out of the cage, and then about a minute later she will reach out of the cage and pull them all back in only to do it again a couple times until she gets tired lol..

Here are some pics, not the best and cant keep her still enough to take a photo except when snoozing.. lol..

her snoozing..

Jewel re arranging the cage again for a millionth time :)

Jewels stitches.. she only has 3

Jewel running from the camera lol

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