Jerk Rat is a Jerk! Advice?

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New Member
Aug 2, 2013
sunny CA
Hi all,

I have a 7-month big ol' lump of a feeder rat, Eli. My friends gave him to me when he was just a wee lad. I don't know what kind of rat he is--he's huge with black spiky fur and because I have no idea where he came from I've often speculated that he might have a little "outside" rat in him. But what do I know.

Anyway, Eli was the most timid baby you've ever seen. He was afraid of absolutely everything. I slowly showed him that the world is not a scary place and he grew up to be pretty fearless. Of course, that's kind of the problem.

Eli knows his name and a couple simple tricks, comes when he's called (mostly), and is used to being handled by me. He has a big cage but he refuses to play with any toys--even ones that other people's rats seem to love. All he wants to do is run around the room, which he gets to do every day. He doesn't chew on books or wires, only my sheets (meh!).

There are a few things that I am at my wit's end about and I thought it was time to finally ask them on a rat forum and see what people have to say.

1. Even though I can pick him up, get kisses, play, etc, there are some incidents where he will climb onto my arm, hold down my hand, and bite. It happens so fast that I can't get away and usually comes out of nowhere--i.e. he was running happily around the room and all of a sudden he rushes onto my hand and chomps it. This is NOT exploratory or nipping, this is a malicious bite. I respond by screaming in pain and then sending him back to his cage ( a command). Though he technically knows the word "no," he seldom obeys it. I WISH I had the resources to neuter him but it is extremely expensive for the one vet in my area.

2. He won't play with any toys, and I've tried them all. He has a big cage and a nice little nap house, but he won't even run in his wheel anymore. He doesn't want to climb, chew, swing, jump, pick apart, roll, or flip over ANYTHING. His only wish is to run around the room, which I oblige, but I wish I could find something for him to play with in his own house!

3. I can't let anyone else handle him because he usually delivers a massive bite to them within a minute of handling. This behavior is also preventing me from getting him a companion.

4. He won't chew on anything but toilet paper tubes and wine corks and as a result his teeth are far too long. This is another situation where I've tried everything from cooked bones to dog toys and he refuses to chew. He bruxes a lot but I don't think it's enough.

I know every rat has their own personality and his shady background is probably responsible for more than a few of his quirks, but I feel like I could be doing better on some things. I wish I could get him neutered and I wish I could get him a that even possible when he's still unfixed? I have heard that males fight a lot...

Anyway, feel free to let me know what you think about the little bugger. I love him to death but I'm tired of wondering when he'll bite me next. Thanks.
Hi and welcome to you and your Eli.

Unfortunately, his hormones have got the best of him and a neuter is really the only thing that will "snap" him out of it. At this point, I would not get him another buddy, not unless he gets neutered. The best thing actually would be a spayed female. Any rescues in your area? Maybe they'd be willing to spay a female for Eli?
RatBear said:
4. He won't chew on anything but toilet paper tubes and wine corks and as a result his teeth are far too long. This is another situation where I've tried everything from cooked bones to dog toys and he refuses to chew. He bruxes a lot but I don't think it's enough.

I am wondering if his teeth being too long is causing him pain...? does he have to get them trimmed?

I've personally never had a rat with teeth that were too long so I"m asking for my own education as well.

He does sound hormonal, though. :/
Him being kind of wild and hormonal may cause the aggression you're seeing. Is his fur an "agouti" shade? (Brownish gray with gold)

As for his teeth, rat teeth should never, never, ever be "too long". Rats do NOT need to chew to keep them short- they do what is called "bruxing" to shorten them, which is rubbing them together. Sometimes, a rat will have an issue with it's teeth which is preventing them from growing correctly. This can become very dangerous, painful, and if not trimmed by a vet- the teeth can grow into the rat's tongue, upper or lower mouth. Is there any way you could get a picture of his teeth? I know, this is hard to do.

If not, try to observe when he is yawning. His teeth should be a yellow color, and look like this:
Found on google from the shack, tee hee: ... 59c0f0.jpg ... x=86&ty=69
Overgrown teeth may have a piece that seems to continue growing on the edge, and may curl, or generally not look straight.
Hi and welcome.

When Eli's climbing on your hand like that, it's not unlike a dog trying to mount your leg. He is not being malicious but hormonal... a rat *trying* to inflict harm could easily send you to the ER. I agree with Jo, he really needs a neuter.

He is almost definitely NOT a wild rat, wild rats - even half wild rats - are very difficult to socialize.

A lot of rats don't play with toys, what you're describing sounds normal. He does sound like he's lonely but as Jo said, he needs a neuter before you get him any buddies.

Like Aida mentioned, rats don't need to chew anything to keep their teeth trimmed. If their teeth are maloccluded and not wearing properly, no amount of chew toys will help. Similarly, if their teeth are normal and they don't have chew toys, they'll be fine. If his teeth are too long, he needs to see a vet to get them trimmed.
I concur with what everyone has said so far. Perhaps you could start saving for a neuter, or around your birthday/Christmas you could ask for a neuter instead of gifts? I admit I gave my mother a dog neuter for Christmas one year! LOL

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