I've got 2 problems...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
Bixby, Oklahoma
1- Looks like Lady has a respiratory infection. I think the cause is the parents started smoking all over the house, not just in their bathroom now. She has a vet appointment tomorrow.

2- Why are the girls fighting? I keep hearing them scuffle, they start squeaking, and when I come in they immediately stop and look at me all innocent. Could it be an in-heat thing?
the sqeaking thing: some rats are just generally move vocal than others. They may just be playing. I know that both my girls squeak when Patrick shifts around in the hammocks. you can hear them in the other room.
It could also be an in-heat thing, if they are running around at supersonic speeds and chasing each other. But, if there is no battlescars or anything and they all seem happy when you enter the room then i wouldnt worry
Oh jeez. It's definitely an in-heat thing then. The only time I've ever seen any animal move that fast was when my sister in law's gerbil got out.
ZoeHale said:
1- Looks like Lady has a respiratory infection. I think the cause is the parents started smoking all over the house, not just in their bathroom now. She has a vet appointment tomorrow.

2- Why are the girls fighting? I keep hearing them scuffle, they start squeaking, and when I come in they immediately stop and look at me all innocent. Could it be an in-heat thing?

Good luck with Lady getting better.
The fighting might be as Lady is feeling unwell. By instinct rats pick on sick cagemates. :( :(
Can you talk to the parents about the smoking? It's really bad for the rats, for all animals, including you too. Not a good thing.

I'd get your girl to a vet as soon as you can, get her medicated and back on the road to health.

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