It was a long morning

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2008
New Zealand
I dropped off Penny for her spey at 8 this morning and I didn't get rung till 1/4 to 1. she was just waking up. so I went down straight away to pick her up. They gave her some injectable anaesthetic :( I thought they were going to just useing gas but the vet said for the amount of time it took it is dangeous to have the gas floating around. :? She is still very sleepy. :( I was going to go and work in my garden but I am going to stay with her till I am happy she is wide awake. They gave her fluid under her skin and pain relief and she is wrapped in bubble wrap to keep her warm.
They think she is a little fatty as there was more fat in her than in a cat spey. :lol:

I took Cole with me for a check up when I picked up Penny. Since she had the cage I took Cole inside a polar fleece tube. when the vet saw that she went 'Oh no that doesn't look good' He is fine, I told her I just would like some more meds for him. 'Phew' she went. Last night after his soak I got more pus out of a small hole beside the main wound which is nearly all healed up. But I feel we are winning at the moment.
Poor sweet Penny, she'll be good as new soon enough. Make sure she stays warm and eats. Sending Cole and Penny lots of healing vibes!
Because they used injectable anaesthetic it is taking a while for Penny to wake up. I have just sat with her for the last two hours with her on my lap all wrapped up to keep warm. (Good excuse to put my feet up for a bit :) ) She has woken up a bit more. I would say her name and scratch her on her head and she would move her nose and whiskers and now she is moving her head a bit, its been scarcey seeing her like this :( I feel so bad that I have put her though it. My poor wee girl. :sad3:
Well it took 8 1/2 hours for Penny to wake up and start moving about and she has had some baby food off my finger and a few mls of honey and water :happydance:
It was a long morning and even longer afternoon waiting for her to wake up.

And Harry and Spice had a fight tonight :gaah: and Spice has a 1cm long cut in his neck that is quite deep but I know they heal quick and will just keep an eye on it.
And Cole decided tonight he didn't like having his soak any more after nearly falling asleep for the last three days during them but his abbscess is nearly better.

don't you just got to love these guys :heart: :giggle:
Oh Lina, that is scary and much too long. It might be something to mention to the vet, maybe he can change is protocol on anesthetics.

Of course things come in threes right. Silly rats... don't they know your heart can only take so much. :roll:
It was hard to find where the gash was on Spice this morning that I was starting to think it was a figment of my tired brain last night but I did find a mark, I should have taken a picture to prove how deep it was :lol:

But Penny is doing fine this morning. All the cornflakes and banana chips were gone from her food dish and when I offered her another corn flake she snatched it from my hand :lol: The clinic rung this morning to see how she was and I told the nurse how long it had taken for her to wake up but I will talk to the vet next time I see one of them.

All wrapped up in bubble wrap yesterday afternoon, She was not awake at this point even though her eyes were open

Her tummy all glued up this morning, Its looks worse in the picture than in real life

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