Is this Necessary?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
KW/Guelph, Ontario
I have been think about neutering the skinkids when they hit a year but started thinking to myself is it necessary? I don't have any females and am not really planning on getting any, I figured if I got a girl then I could intro her to my neutered boys. But then would it not make more sense to spay the one girl if I got one?

Aren't there major risk involved in neuters and are there any real health benefits? I don't need to be throwing money away that can be saved for a rainy day. I was just wondering if there is any reason to neuter them? My vet was talking about infection and the reason he chooses to do it at a year...I don't want to risk killing the babes for the sake of...well, nothing.

Tell me what you guys think...
I've had quite a few neuters done, no health benefit, I don't think. That's why I only neuter my aggressive rats and the change in their behaviour is amazing. I don't think there's a health risk either with a neuter. I've never even had an abcess from a neuter. All my girls get spayed though for health benefits, I've never had a mamary tumor. Then they can be with the boys too.
If you have a rat savvy vet, then I believe the risks are quite low. I've had dozens done.
Health benefits... I'd have to say removing almost all stress is really the only benefit.
But... if it's a matter of money, then no, I would not say that it's necessary.
OKay I have decided to save my money in case something huge comes up at least I'll have money for that. Thanks for the advice. Plus I'm supposed to go on a trip next year and will need money for that too.

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