Is something stuck in her throat?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
I came home today to find little Skittles awake (and she's usually sleeping), all puffed up, and a puddle of saliva under her mouth. Her lower jaw was beaded with saliva. I took her in my hands and wiped her mouth. I saw her making these weird motions with her head. Looks almost like when a human grits their teeth and bears down. She otherwise seems okay -- no bleeding and no wheezing... She's not eating or drinking. Does this sound like something is just stuck in her throat? Is there ANYTHING we can do to help her?
How long has she been like that? The rat will usually work it out on her own, it's better to leave her be. If it takes too long though you might have to bring her to a vet. Good luck with your sweetie.
From what you described that sounds exactly like choking. But if she can breathe, then you must leave her alone to work it out which can take hours.
How is she doing now?
Definitely sounds like choking. I wish there was more we could tell you to do, but unfortunately there's not much you can do. She's still breathing okay?
I have had this happen to my guys, thankfully it only lasts about 5- 10 minutes but it TERRIFIES ME! I always get so scared that they are going to pass out. :sad3: They get all tense and shake their head kinda and do a gag motion and arch their back.. I dont touch them, I just sit and watch to make sure t hey work it out, and they always do.. it just scares the crap out of me lol how is your ratty doing ? :)
Thanks everyone for your posts. Skittles was still choking last night when I fell asleep next to her cage. I was awakened at 1:23am to the sound of her eating puffed rice. She'd worked it out! Phew! She's back to her old self this morning -- fiesty as ever and tugging at her cage-mate Lollipop to come play.

I'm SO relieved. Thanks for your support!
That WAS scary! I understand better now, though, which is good.

It was really interesting to see how her cage-mate Lollipop acted while Skittles was choking. I'd taken Skittles out of the cage and kept her with me most of the time, until I could no longer stay wake. When I put her back into the cage, I put her on the shelf right next to the sofa I was sitting on. Lollipop came over to her and did the littlest bit of grooming on her face -- I think to get some of the drool, and then pretty much let her be. Seems she instinctively knew what to do, and in the end, what Lollipop did for Skittles wasn't much different from what I could do!! LOL! There's a wisdom to be had in there.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone for sharing your experience, advice and support.
Haha yes, rats are so sweet to the ones they love in time of need, my boy Nero r.i.p, got sick 2 times in his life(which we concluded as a food sensitivity) he would foam at the mouth and was very lethargic a few hours later would be fine. But his brother Octavian would walk up to him, wrap his arms around him and clean his chin for him and hold him for a bit and them leave him. they first time I seen it my eyes watered.. it was the sweetest act of love, he was hugging his brother and cleaning the foam.

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