Is Snuggle Safe.. safe?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
Richmond B.C.
So I am thinking I need to get myself a snuggle safe cause my rats are getting older and I have a surgery coming up and a nice warming pad ( that they can chew and eat like the rice) would be really helpful

But when I googled it I found some pretty scarey stuff... ... =3&t=15296

What is everyones experience with these things.. I dont wanna buy something if its dangerous...
I used a snuggle safe heat pad for my elderly boy after his brother died, i followed the heating instructions and never had a problem with it. If you have chewers you'd have to be careful they didnt go right through the cover though, mine never bothered with it thankfully!
8 minutes?? Seriously? I usually use 4 to 4.5 for a nice ambient heat that lasts up to 8-10 hours. The Snugglesafe's (I have 3) are meant to stay hard so if I saw it soften I would know there wa a serious problem... *shakes head*
Ohhh I have used 5 in the past on super cold days, but the snuggle safe is outside of the carrier (on the way or coming back from the vets) so they have no access to it.
I have two snuggle safes and have rarely used them.
I use mine as lilspaz68 said .... like everything else, they will wear out so a person does need to use common sense.

I have found that they are fine if used properly, according to the manufacturers instructions..
There is a warning on them stating to only use with a conscious animal that can more away from the snuggle safe if they become warm. This is very important.
A local vet used one during surgery on a rat under my care, she put a towel or cloth between the snuggle safe and Nicole.
This is a violation of the manufacturers instructions and the vet burnt Nicole so badly that she died after suffering for a week.
I also have 2 snuggle safes and have never had a problem.

The person in the article that you linked really didnt use her brain when she put it in with her animals. Also she doesn't mention if she got a new microwave in between. There are very specific instructions and times based on the wattage of your microwave. For all we know, she may have bought a new microwave (since 8 minutes is rather long her original microwave could have been old with a low wattage, newer microwaves are usually higher wattage) and didn't really think about the fact that the wattages changed - especially since she says she uses it in the winters. Maybe she got the new microwave in the summer and forgot about it by the time that she used it again in the fall? It also clearly states on the snuggle safe that they should be replaced every 2 years, and she said she had been using hers for over 2 years.

I wouldn't base your opinion of this product on that article because I really think that it was misused in that article. Really, if you had a disc full of chemicals where the external plastic became soft... would you put it in with one of your animals? More importantly... why was it not left to sit for a few minutes and the temperature tested by simply putting your hand on the unit for a couple seconds prior to putting it in with the animals? If it did THAT much damage you would notice it if you put your hand on it.
They are not meant to be left unattended to begin with. You should always watch your pet on anything that is warm. She leaves her animals outside. Mark 1. i dont have one but 8 minutes in a microwave for anything is overkill.

I put a heating pad on low that has an autoshut off on it under the cage, we use small hospital cages here. I only put in on one side of it and check it constantly. I dont even have to leave it on that long or do it that often mostly for oldies after surgery.
Okay that was my thinking i was just shocked by it. I will look into getting one.

Does anyone know where I coudl order oen in canada? Amazon .com has it but doesnt. :/
Wow I feel super redneck I don't use a heating pad at all I use a soap stone foot warmer I cover it real good and zip it closed with lots of stuffing it becomes in sorts a heated pillow down fall is it doesn't stay at a constant temperature because it slowly cools down over time but it lasts for about 2-4 hours before you have to heat it up again. I like it because one there is no electricity, and no chemicals. You do have to use some common sense and not let your rats have it when it's piping hot but a decent enough temperature where it will keep them warm but not burn the crap outta them. And I agree with hopefloats it's best not to leave anything like that unattended but with a soap stone atleast you know your house wouldn't burn down or chemicals ate your animals. The one I have is something like this but my was my great grandmas that my grandma gave to be so its pretty old so I jerryrigged my own cover for it but another great thing soap stones last forever another great thing is that in the summer you can use it to help keep them cool :) ... ndly/Other
thelittleredladybug said:
Personally, I have always heard bad things about them. Though I would never use it unless instructed by a vet with extreme instructions. goodluck.

Considering my vet sells them and sometimes uses them, I would think that means he approves of them. :p
The more I think about it and look at prices I think I will just stick with what I have.. Roxy will keep warm with fleece hammocks and after Dante's surgery I will use the rice bag since he is a good boy and doesn't chew things. I think I have jsut read too many horror stories tha tI woudlnt feel good about using the snuggle safe.. Too paranoid.

I'll have to think about it more.
lilspaz68 said:
thelittleredladybug said:
Personally, I have always heard bad things about them. Though I would never use it unless instructed by a vet with extreme instructions. goodluck.

Considering my vet sells them and sometimes uses them, I would think that means he approves of them. :p

Honestly, I have seen so many vets carry products they should never sell or advise anyone to use. I really don't trust their opinions and have no idea why I would suggest anyone to listen to what they have to say. LOL. No but seriously, a lot of vets don't specialize in small critter/exotic pets and just throw out information they think they know. Your vet may also be selling these for other pets such as reptiles, puppies or kittens.
thelittleredladybug said:
lilspaz68 said:
thelittleredladybug said:
Personally, I have always heard bad things about them. Though I would never use it unless instructed by a vet with extreme instructions. goodluck.

Considering my vet sells them and sometimes uses them, I would think that means he approves of them. :p

Honestly, I have seen so many vets carry products they should never sell or advise anyone to use. I really don't trust their opinions and have no idea why I would suggest anyone to listen to what they have to say. LOL. No but seriously, a lot of vets don't specialize in small critter/exotic pets and just throw out information they think they know. Your vet may also be selling these for other pets such as reptiles, puppies or kittens.

He USES them, did you miss that? My vet is considered the go-to vet for rats in Toronto...I have adopted rats to him, he goes to the big exotic vet conferences to always learn more about how to help them more and more, and bring their standard of vet care up to the level of dogs and cats. I will continue to use snugglesafes when needed because yours is just an opinion and mine is actual experience.
I think the horror stories are all cases where the Snuggle Safes were used inappropriately. They should not be used when the animal cannot move away from it if needed and they should be well covered. I haven't heard of any incidents with them when they're used appropriately. My vet also uses them and he is fairly conscientious about what products he carries and uses.
Yea. I deided agaisnt buying it jsut cause it was way to expensive to justify. my boy had his surgerya dn the vet gve us heat packs that were jsut full fo blue water thne i used my rice pack and he was fine

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