Well-Known Member
We recently got a 5 week old rat, she is about 7 weeks now and when we got her she had an upper respitory infection. The vet put her on baytril but after a week with no improvment switched her to another antibiotic which she has been on about a week and we noticed dramatic improvment after only a few days. Not as much sneezing, dishcharge or squeeky breathing noises. Well, since yesterday she has been sleeping a lot and it's making me nervous. About amonth ago we lost an 8 week old rat to pneumnia unexpectedly and she was perfectly normal until it was too late. So now I am on edge all the time I don't want to lost this precious girl. I filmed her today here are a few videos... do you think she is having trouble breathing, you can sort of see her side moving in and out in the first video at about 20seconds. Is that normal or labored breathing? The second one is kind of long but about halfway through it you can see the little spells she goes through where she makes squeeky or wheezy noises and then she's totally fine. You have to turn it up to hear the squeeky noises she makes. Oh and btw she is being treated for lice as well which is why she's so itchy. So, do I continue with the anribiotics and wait for more improvment and not worry about her sleeping more than usual. Or do I ruch her to the emergency vet now? Thanks, I hope she's going to be ok!
We recently got a 5 week old rat, she is about 7 weeks now and when we got her she had an upper respitory infection. The vet put her on baytril but after a week with no improvment switched her to another antibiotic which she has been on about a week and we noticed dramatic improvment after only a few days. Not as much sneezing, dishcharge or squeeky breathing noises. Well, since yesterday she has been sleeping a lot and it's making me nervous. About amonth ago we lost an 8 week old rat to pneumnia unexpectedly and she was perfectly normal until it was too late. So now I am on edge all the time I don't want to lost this precious girl. I filmed her today here are a few videos... do you think she is having trouble breathing, you can sort of see her side moving in and out in the first video at about 20seconds. Is that normal or labored breathing? The second one is kind of long but about halfway through it you can see the little spells she goes through where she makes squeeky or wheezy noises and then she's totally fine. You have to turn it up to hear the squeeky noises she makes. Oh and btw she is being treated for lice as well which is why she's so itchy. So, do I continue with the anribiotics and wait for more improvment and not worry about her sleeping more than usual. Or do I ruch her to the emergency vet now? Thanks, I hope she's going to be ok!