Is Lulla in pain?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2009
Bergen, Norway


Does it look like she is in pain? I'm worried about my little girl, she is acting weirdly :sad3:
It might help if we knew what is weird about her behaviour. And its probably just me but she looks like she has a big belly so I figure I should there any way she could be preggers?
She is acting normally most of the time, but then she suddenly turns kind of subdued. She starts "hickupping" and then she gets puffy and her fur stands on end. She has gained 60g in one month. She is not pregnant I am 100% sure. I though she was at first but it can't be anymore. It is just scary because I don't know if something is wrong with her...
that type of gain isn't normal so its definitely vet time. I noticed her breathing was a bit rapid at the beginning of the video, what is her breathing like normally?
My parents won't take her to the vet :( She is apparently not ill enough. I think it might be an ear infection even though she is not tilty. She is acting just like Amy was when she had it. She is completely fine, then she gets all puffed up and tired, then she is fine again. At least it wont hurt her to take a antibiotic cure (bactrim)? It is really too bad that I can't get her to the vet. I'll bring her with me on our christmas vacation, then she will get lots of rest, it might help. Please don't misunderstand me, my parents are really nice people that care about animals, its just that it is so expensive going to the vet and they are all stressed out because of christmas beeing this close. My mom said that if Lulla isn't better after the cure (2 weeks) We will take her to the vet. I am just afraid she might get worse, it happens so quickly with rats :( She has been like this for some time now and she seems completely alert to the world around her, even when she starts popping and puffing.
She is also yawning a lot. Like every few minutes and she shakes her head and scratches her ear...
I thought her breathing sounded a bit conjested in the first part of the video.
Is it?
If she is off, she is likely ill ....
This is a good time to take her to the vet, have her put on antibiotics such as baytril, and lasix, etc if she needs them and make sure her belly is ok, see if she needs to be treated for an inner ear infection, etc
The weight gain concerns me too.

Many vets will be going on holidays for a week or two and if she gets really ill, emergency vets may be all that will be available until Jan. Emergency vets are very very expensive.
This may not be the case where you live ... it is here.
If you think there is something wrong vets ging on holiday would be one reason for making an appointment asap instead of waiting a bit longer.
You are right, rats get sick and die fast so they can't wait very long when they are ill.
The "hiccuping" troubles me. I've had two rats that did that, and they both had pneumonia. It's kind of like a a spasm that originates at the shoulders? I don't know what it is or why they do it but I'm sure it isn't good.

Also, it might be out of context but her eyes are distinctly almond shaped in the last picture. Are they like that all the time? It can be a sign that she is worn out/exhausted from fighting an infection. Being puffed up can be a sign of infection too, particularly if she's always had a smooth, shiny coat.

I would talk to my parents again and try to convince them to take her to the vet. Maybe you can work out a loan with them or something. If she's sick, waiting a couple of days can be really dangerous.

Good luck. I hope Lulla gets better.

I really really want to take her. My mom is realizing that she is ill and I hope I can convince her to take us. I hate it its horrible, now she is making sounds all the time when she breaths...
Until you get to the vet there are some things you can do:

-Make sure the cage is really clean so her breathing isn't compromised further.
-Put a humidifier in the room with the cage or bring her to the washroom after you've had a shower - the steam will help clear her lungs.
-Make sure she is eating. This is really important. When rats get really sick they can quickly become too weak or tired to eat, particularly solid food. Supplement her diet with soft foods or liquids such as yogurt, apple sauce, baby food or cereal, oatmeal, Ensure (a meal replacement drink - it may be called something else for you), soups, etc.
-Check on her often but give her lots of quiet and keep the room where the cage is dark so she can rest.

Those should help to keep her comfortable. Keep bugging your mom - sometimes it's hard for parents to understand how important pets are to their kids or to justify the expense. Maybe if you could pay some of the cost yourself she might see how important taking Lulla to the vet is to you.

Good luck!

I spent all my savings (200$) when I took Amy to the vet for the second time. The first vet we went to gave us the wrong medicine and charged us 100$ for some batryl and a very bad examination so my mom wasn't too keen to take her back. I said I could pay for it and then we went to another vet who checked her and made sure it was an ear infection then gave us the right medicine. Now I only have like 40$ but I have said I can give up my allowanse until I have paid everything back so we'll see. I expect that I'll have to pay at least 200$, it is horribly expensive.

She is eating and drinking and climbing in her cage normally and seems mostly fine... But it is getting worse and I think that 2 weeks might be too long to wait.
Thanks Victoria, I'll see if putting her in the bathroom helps. The winter air is very dry and it might make it worse for her.
Her cagemates are really nice to her and they all keep her snug and warm in the tiny hammock they love to snuggle in. I saw Amy (who used to be Lulla's least favorite rat in the world) washing her and tidying her fur :hugs:

Thank you everyone you're a great help!
It really sounds like she needs antibiotics (baytril and possibly zithromycin or baytril and possibly clavamox) asap. for 4 to 6 weeks.
You are right. If she is getting worse, she can not wait 2 weeks.
The ideas you were given are good and can help a bit but they will not take the place of antibiotics.
Perhaps a vet visit and meds could be your Christmas present?
Lulla is apparently not sick :bow:
The vet found nothing wrong and expects that the sudden behavior change is a result of her becoming the leader of the pack :whip:
The sounds she makes are "talking" and the sudden gain of weight is a result of her trying to compensate for Amy's huge bulk (550g :oops: )
We got a weeks worth of pain reliever and I will give her that for a week to see if her behavior changes. If it does then she is in pain. If it doesn't then my baby has just decided that puffing up she looks even bigger than Amy :lol:
I'm so happy to hear that. I'm sorry you had to spend so much money but at least now you know she's alright and you found a vet that treats rats.

P.S. What did the vet say about the "hiccuping"?

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