Is he dying? ** He's stable

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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
Southern Ontario
I found Osiris huddled beside the litterbox and noticed his sides were heaving. He was gasping. I opened his mouth to check for any obstruction and noted that he wasn't drooling. Rushed him into the bathroom and turned the shower on, hardly any improvement and had some runny poop. We cuddled on a heating blanket and he stopped gasping after some time, but breathed heavily. After a while the gasping started again on and off, suddenly he started to panic and move around alot. The gasping came back bad. Tried to steam him again. Brought him into my room and propped his head up with a towel, covered his body with my blanket so he'd be warm.

He made small gasps for a few minutes, calmed down, groomed his face, and the gasping intensified again.. If he has to go I wish he would, I don't want him to die in fear. He's resting his little head in my hand and I feel so useless.. He's gasping/clicking and I can't help him.
Ohh no :( I'm so sorry you have to watch him like that, and totally helpless :( When can you get him to the vet? I hope he pulls through for you, sending prayers and hugs!! ((HUGS))
it's Sat night, nobody's open on Sunday.. The e-vet 'round here doesn't know small exotics. He'll have to hang in there until Monday.. I can't believe this is happening. The last rat who passed away died while I was at my parents house, too. I don't want him to go through this.
The clicking... does it sound like it's from his lungs? Sometimes a tiny piece of dark chocolate can help because it opens up the air ways and allows them to breathe a little easier. If he'll take it, it's worth a shot.

Offer him lots of ensure so he stays hydrated and gets nutrients, plus it kinda spoils him if it really may be his last day (And its hopefully not!).
sadly there isn't much you can do, sounds like a sudden URI or even pneumonia...

Warmth, comfort, and don't hold him if it stresses him out, but be near him. When he stops gasping, offer him some water or ensure on your fingers and see if he'll lick it off? If he seems very interested try a syringe and just a little bit at a time. If you only have water add some sugar and salt to it to help him replenish his fluids. see below for the recipe

Homemade rehydrating formula: 10 oz warm water, 1 tsp sugar, 1/3 tsp salt. Mix well, refrigerate extra, warm up to feed.

I am sorry. :sad-p:
His lungs are no more congested than usual [he has had chronic pneumonia since 6 months old], I think the clicking might be his teeth every time he gasps and closes his mouth.. He willingly took some Baytril. I'm so sad for him.. He's NEVER had a gasping fit so.. I think this is it. Shel, thankyou for the formula - I'll go mix some for him right away. My poor squishy bum..
I took a rat in a similar condition to the VEC in southern Toronto a few years back and the vet gave her a puff of an arbuterol inhaler as well as Doxy and Batryl. She did leave me a day later, but at least she was more comfortable after going to the vet. Maybe you can call the e-vet and see if they have someone that's comfortable with rats? I know they don't always and it won't be like going to your own vet, but maybe they can do something.
Last time I tried to talk to them about seeing a rat I got the "eww" response. It's my understanding that none of them are comfy with ratties.. He's much calmer now, the gasping is less intense, and his skin isn't tenting. He's still trying to clean once in a while. Baytril is the only med that worked long term for him, so I gave him a higher dose about a half hour ago. I'm hoping he'll find some relief.

Do you think I should put him in his carrier with Brodie [they're good friends, Brodie will cuddle him] and try to let him sleep for a couple hours?.. If I was sick the light would bother me.
Lindy offered to bring her nebulizer over as soon as I get back to London tomorrow afternoon and help me get some prednisone into him. I considered pred a few days ago and passed on it because he wasn't this bad.. now I think we need to use any ammunition we can to decrease the inflammation in his lungs.. Thank God for great friends that care about me and my children.
I am so glad that things have eased for him and that he will get some pred soon. It is one of the worst possible things, watching a rat gasp when there is no rat-savvy vet available. I bet that he will feel better in with his buddy, too.

Good luck.
I am sorry, I hope he continues to improve for you, I know how that is, we have been there with our oldest rat time and time again, the mix that lilspaz gave you works we did that with ours one night when we thought we were losing her, like every 15 mins for a while then every 30 mins had them take some, she survived the night with it. We also used chocolate and a warm towel to keep them warm. I just found one of mine wheezing and I am freaking out lol so I know can totally relate.
Do you have metacam you could give him? I have found that when their breathing is really stressing them metacam helps to calm them down so they can rest comfortably...its not a long term fix but might help until Lindy can get the nebulizer to you.
Thanks everyone for the positive vibes, I think they really helped. He hasn't had any gasping fits today. He took his abs like a champ again. I don't think Lindy can make it tonight, we were just hit with a massive snow storm. The highway was eventually closed - my parents and I sat in traffic for 2 hours because of all the accidents. It's just not safe for her to be out right now.. but if he goes into fits again I'll be suiting up and walking to her house.

Brodie is being his blanket right now and he looks like he's asleep so I won't bother him, but I'll rehydrate him again before bed and offer some baby food and metacam for the sake of comfort.

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