I haven't posted here in forever! but I have gotten some of my BEST intro advice here, so I am back
so my crew has blown back up to 7, but I am having trouble getting most of them into 1 cage >.> so, two problems!
1) right now my main intros are between Sugar (barely over a year. not neutered) and 2 girls, Penny and Priya (about 9 months, both spayed). Sugar was having trouble with ladies because he was too aggressive with sniffing (he'd follow them everrrywhere sniffing hah). after knowing the girls a bit, this would progress to flipping/pinning. nothing horrible, he'd just get on their nerves. my poor awkward boy! but now the tables have turned and these new girls are harassing him! primarily Penny. Priya will help Penny gang up on him every now and then though hah. I am actually pleased with them being so direct with him, but Penny is escalating. she's now pulling on his ears (she has done this to Priya once or twice and is very much a wrestler/fighter. not aggressive, though it does cause gashes/scratches every now and then), nipping at his face, and pulling on loose skin on his neck. none of this is hard enough to cause squeaks, draw blood, etc. it is enough to cause boxing, kicking (from Sugar), and make Sugar avoid her. ie if Sugar sees Penny in a pop tunnel, he won't go in. BUT this behavior primarily happens when Penny is able to relax. she is high strung, so if they are out in the open with just tunnels to hide in, she leaves Sugar alone. if they are allowed under a blanket, she starts this behavior. they have done well with intros for a week or two until now. though I am not sure yet I would call intros BAD yet. does this seem like normal behavior they need to work through? or should I dial back intros a bit.
2) Pepper and CeeCee. my lovely 11 - 12 month old girls. they were who i was introing Sugar to before Penny and Priya. I would still like them in the group as well. here is the catch! they are insanely insecure in environments that is not the rat room. they will only sleep and do some mild exploration when out on a bed or couch. put them in their room? all over the place. if I try to do intros with other rats? well, they will tolerate them, but ignore them until they figure out a way off the couch/bed. once they figure out how to get off the furniture...intros are done. period. they will refuse to stay on the furniture, if you block their way, they will ignore the other rats and spend the whole time trying to get off the bed. the only thing I can think of doing is setting up a restricted area in the rat room and seeing if they will pay attention to the rats that way. they actually will sit in a carrier with Sugar without fighting, but they don't really acknowledge him either. they USED to acknowledge Penny and Priya (get puffy, some boxing, but no actual fighting), but now they ignore her too. any ideas on how to actually tell if they will get along? I have no clue how to safely progress the intros beyond the rat room idea.