Intros -- argh

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
Coquitlam, BC

Ok, so this is the video from yesterday's intros.

The major issues seem to be coming from the 2 omegas, and not from the alpha at all.

If they even smell Hazel while they are in their own cage, they get completely crazy and puffy.

Is it worth trying to have them spend more time one-on-one with her in a neutral place, rather than shorter times in a group? I'm particularly worried about Olive, because she is normally the bottom of our hierarchy, and yet she really seems to be taking exception to the newcomer.

(Not sure if I got the video inserted correctly either, please help?!?)
I've set up a cardboard china barrel right next to my desk and put all four in it for the next couple hours. Video posted on the FB Rat Shack group. I'm hoping they can get over their issues so that Hazel can move in this weekend. I feel bad for her living all by herself in our little quarantine cage.
When cages are involved it's a different scenario, that's why we recommend no cage for a week or so during intros. From the video, it looks like it's going pretty good.
I would have them on familiar ground and do a one hour out time together, with yummy foods and be part of it so they can climb and be on you too.
Well, it took them over an hour of being in the box together, but eventually everyone but the alpha fell asleep in a heap together. So I guess that's a good sign. I think they were exhausted from all the running around/flipping/boxing that was going on. Plus, they are usually asleep at this time of day. I have to go pick my kids up from school now, but will put them back together when I get home tonight.
It's looking really good. Hazel is being a typical baby bug and the bigger girls aren't minding it much. But they will and should once they move in together. They will need to teach Hazel her place and that's ok.
I thought it was all play too, and yet yesterday, when I was patting Hazel, I noticed she has several scabs on her shoulders, and one on the inside of one of her legs (that's quite large). They are all healing just fine and I've never seen/found any blood on her, but she's clearly had the skin broken during some of their scuffles.

Part of the problem is that she seems to be really shaking up the pecking order with the other rats. She may not be very heavy yet, but she's as long as any of the rest of them and on her hind legs she's just as "tall". And she is determined to be further up the chain of command than Olive (who is at the bottom). And yesterday, all 4 of them spent their whole time together trying to jump out of the box, nobody ever settled down at all (over 2 hours).

I also feel really bad for Pez. She is so stressed out she doesn't do much but sit in a corner and pray that the violence stops. She hates conflict...we pulled her out of the box today so she could have some cuddle time (seeing as she's not the problem) and today the other 3 managed to get to a point of napping together after about 30 minutes or so. I wonder if Pez's nervousness is throwing the rest of them off.

We tried a few minutes in their cage today, but it got scuffly pretty quick, so I pulled Hazel back out. The other 3 seem to be fighting more even when she's not with them too.

I feel really bad because our quarantine cage is 2 small to put the other 3 in and swap cages and I know how badly Hazel needs to make the move. She's such a sweet little thing and so calm when she's alone. She's just a poop disturber when you put her with the others. I am worried about the fact that she's clearly been bitten/scratched hard enough to break the skin and not sure what I can do. They never seem to scuffle for very long, in fact, by the time I turn my head to look and see what they are up to, it's usually over.

I'm going to try Hazel and Olive in the rattube around my neck this afternoon. Hopefully they can play nice if they are on me. Fergie will probably go back into heat by tomorrow, so maybe things will settle down again because they'll all be distracted by that.
You dont have to only swap cages. I swap litter boxes and beds when I cannot move rats to the other cages. Anything that has a smell can be switched out.

could it be mites on her? my girls scuffled but rarely broke skin. I seen it more common with my boys intros but not my girls and my girls are horrible to intro to...
Nope, no mites on her. Also no redness or puffiness that would indicate scratching, nor have I ever seen her scratch. It's definitely from the other girls (mainly Olive, I would guess).

I will try switching bedding around and hopefully that will help some. I think they're going to get it worked out I was just hoping it would be easier because adding Pez and Olive to Fergie was so easy. :shock: It's clearly not going to be.
Whenever someone mentions scabs, I always say to do a mite treatment. It won't hurt and if you do have mites then it will help tremendously. Mites can also cause rats to be super grumpy.
Also, about the cage, you really can't put "strange" rats in other rat's cage. That cage needs to be scrubbed down and change a few things around so they don't recognize it as theirs. Rats can be very territorial.
So, I scrubbed the whole cage down, put all new hammocks (never used) in along with some new baskets, etc. and the girls have all been together all day with only two minor scuffles, and nothing that was unusual compared to before Hazel moved in. She's driving them a little bit batty because she's so much more active than the rest of them (they'd like to be sleeping right now but she keeps poking at them), but so far, nothing worrisome has happened.

Yay! :joy: Will post some pics in the next day or so (if Hazel ever settles down for a sleep!)

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