Introducing old boys?

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Junior Member
May 28, 2014
Barrie, Ontario
I posted a while ago that I need to find another cage mate for my two boys because one is almost 3 and the other is closer to 18 months (I think). I was going to go with a baby because it's easy to introduce a baby to adults. But there is an old boy I found on Kijiji. He is completely identical to the boy I recently lost.

He is 2 years old and living alone. His cage mate died. Poor lad I just want to scoop him up and take him home. Is it any easier to introduce old boys? I know my boys will be fine, just don't know a lot about this guy. Worst case scenario it doesn't work but yeah. Is it any easier to introduce older boys?

Also, he doesn't look too good. I don't mind taking him to the vet, I'm going anyway. Here is his ad:

Is it just me or does anyone else see red marks on his face?
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He does look a little rough and intros can be difficult with any male of any age. Some males are harder to introduce and some are so easy it isnt funny. I would ask if he appears sick. the red marks appear to be porph which is common in rats that are stressed or ill. You wont really know till you see him in person. Personally with rats at that age. I would not do babies. Babies are full of energy and old man rats dont have that much. I try to keep like ages with like ages.
Yeah the two boys I have right now were so, so easy to introduce. I just put them in the same cage and that was that. But I tried introducing other boys slowly for months and it wasn't going to work (and they lived in the same room for a year before). I thought I read somewhere that old boys are easier to intro than adult boys. I also read that young babies are good for old boys because the oldies take to them like fathers and the babies give them energy? There is a lot of conflicting info though and every situation is different of course.

I asked if he seemed sick, was breathing funny or making noises or had scratches/scabs but they say he's fine. I think they are afraid I won't take him if they say he's sick. I'll still take him, would just like to be prepared. He looks rough so I assume he's sick, or could stress make him look rough?
Oh I hope you go and get that old boy. He needs some serious TLC. I bet once on good food and lots of love, he'll look much better. You can work on slow intros with yours, we can help you and try different methods.
He won't be with you for a long time, but he'll be so grateful for a loving home in his senior years.
Perhaps he has some mites that is making his coat look bad. Looking forward to an update when you get him. :)
I have a feeling he has mites, though I won't know until I've got him. All of my guys were treated for mites I believe 3 weeks ago (I'll have to double check), would they need to be treated again since it's supposed to last for 30 days?

I'm hoping he takes to my boys well. We'll go slow for them and see how it goes. My boys like everyone but can be scared when dominant rats are around. He's an oldie so he won't be around much longer but I love old boys. I'd love to have just a bunch of old man rats. There are 2 other 2 year old boys on Kijiji that are tempting to snatch up.
I would keep him separate for a couple of days. Treat him ASAP when he comes home, and wash his bedding, and hopefully the mites will be gone before he meets your other boys.
This is getting frustrating... I was supposed to be picking up two 30 month old boys last Tuesday and the owners both stopped texting and emailing me when it came time to get them. I just want to get the poor boys in better living conditions and was hoping to move them in with my boys.

I hope it's just a glitch. That happened once to me when I was suppose to pick up a youngun. I had to try three different times. Very frustrating.

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