Intro help

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
Grand Rapids MN
i got three babys a while ago one female and two males and i'm having troubles introducing the little girl in with my 5 other girls the baby is half the size of my other girls i've put her in there before but fights always break out but lately fatties also been picking on my other girls any advice anyone?
Smex I think you should wait until the babies are 8 weeks old so that they aren't at risk of serious injury or death from your adult rats. In the meantime, you can put both cages in the same room (not close enough that there is any chance they can touch each other) get them used to each others' scent. Just make sure you move the babies out when you let the adults out for playtime and vice versa.
When you say "put her in there" do you mean put into the cage? Cages should never be part of any intro process. But having them live side by side is a good idea.
And like Victoria mentioned, wait till the baby is over 2 months old before doing intros.