Well-Known Member
Hi all - I have a 10 month old male rattie who somehow injured his back left foot. He is not putting any weight on it at all and is not grabbing with it (it's kind of limp), but he can move it or stretch his toes though he prefers not to. I have the rat care guide and gave him a bit of arnica as advised. It also mentioned no need to separate him into a different cage. Anyone have any other advice on making him more comfortable? Do I need to take him to the vet? The book indicated even a broken leg will heal itself (unless it requires a pin). DH thinks it's a sprain of some kind. I'm worried about my baby :sad3: He is eating fine and is even climbing, though he is trying hard not to put any weight on that foot. He was just grooming his toes on it. Doesn't *appear* to be in a lot of pain, but is clearly uncomfortable...advice?
Thanks in advance for your help...
Thanks in advance for your help...