Infected Tumor?

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Jul 18, 2011
I was refered to this forum and I could really use some help.
My first pet rat has muscle cancer. She already had 1 tumor removed but 2 tumors have already grown back after 2 weeks. I decided not to do another surgery, but where her stitches were there is now a large red, raw and somewht painful looking scab/rash. I'll post a picture tomorrow afternoon of it. I've taken her to the vet 3 times and they gave me cortisone and some baytril and told me I could use polysporin for kids and liquid bandaids as well, turns out the bandaids were a TERRBLE idea as it burned her! I felt terrible... I couldn't sleep last night because of it!
Anyway occassionally I use a wet cloth to clean it but she does scratch it and now there is actually quite a deep edge surrounding because of the tumors growing around it and its sort of sunken in and chunks of skin coming off on the edges!!! It looks terrible, the vet saw it like 2 days ago and I find there lack of help shocking. I know she isn't going to live long before I have to put her down but I don't want this skin thing to shorten it even more! It also is starting to bleed alot.
She still eats and drinks and only is a little less active because I think her movement has been decreased due to the tumors. They are behind both her ears. My rat well be 1 year in Oct. Is there anything else I can add that well help ease and maybe start to heal the wound?
A picture would help but it sounds like what you really need is a new vet. Have you tried calling around to see if any other vets in your area are experienced with rats?
This is sounding a lot like what my mom's rat had, Sam had a sarcoma as well. The tumour was removed and it left behind a wound that would not heal. It would bleed and look raw and awful.
With a sarcoma, there's not much you can do. Vets are very limited with rats and cancer unfortunately.
I'm so sorry it took so long to get a picture!
So this is Rocky....


I got my rats a new buddy today and they havn't met offically but Rocky is energized by the newcomer, I was a little relieved. Very active today! But she is def. eating less now. Her tumors are a little harder then they use to be too. I read that they could rupture, that would kill me! Are they any signs to let me know if that is going to happen.

I have been to like 5 different vets and the one I stuck with felt like they new the most. But I'm going to read that list of vets and see if there are any in my area!
Talk to your vet about getting her something for the pain. I'm not sure if cortisone can be used with NSAIDS (if so you'll probably get Metacam) or if you'll need a different class of pain meds. If she's loosing weight, you can try offering her soft, healthy foods (lab blocks soaked in water/soy milk/low sodium broth, cooked cereal, Ensure, yogurt, baby food/cereal, etc.) to make it easier to help her get all the energy and nutrients she needs. Polysporin is probably a good idea too, although you should supplement probiotics if using because it can be harsh on digestive flora when ingested through grooming. I've had some rats that really did not like Polysporin and I used Soother Plus instead with success. It has a mild anesthetic effect, which would be helpful in this case.

As for tumours rupturing, they're often mammary tumours that get really big. I've had a tumour burst (see my most active thread) because it had blood supply and too much built up around it. I found with Sophie's tumour that spread through her muscle, it necrotized the tissue and abscessed.

At this point, all you can do is to try to keep her comfortable and consider euthanasia when you can't any longer. I don't know if introducing a new rat when she's compromised (open wound, in pain) is a good idea, I don't think it is, but it also depends on the rats and the dynamic and is your call.

I'm sorry about your girl :hugs: It's very hard when they are ailing and you can't help them.
Her cage mate ignores the cream and Rocky can't reach it the area to clean. So I am not to worried about them eating it, but what kind of probiotics can I give her? My other rat is on long term antibiotics (baytril) because she sneezes. Should she have probiotics too. They get yogurt and baby food all the time. I am a little new with meds and supplements with rats.
My new rat though is still separated but they can see and smell each other. I just didn't want my other rat to be alone, if something happened. But I'll keep what you said in mind and there interaction very limited. Soother Pulse sounds amazing too, I just have to find it now! She still eats, just not as much as like a month ago.
I feel bad that I got a new rat, stressing her out is the LAST thing I want too. I never thought of it like that.
If you give her a yogurt with live bacterial cultures that should do the trick. Just make sure you leave at least 2 hours between probiotics and antibiotics.

Another rat in the house may not stress Rocky, but introductions when she is injured are likely to. She's likely to feel very vulnerable and get very defensive if there's a new rat. If you like you can start intros with the other 2 girls, but leave Rocky out of them. Then again, I may be wrong and intros could go beautifully.
My Sam had a tumor removed and it didn't heal. It looked like what your girl has. Vet gave me Metacam and I had to put Polysporin Plus on it and watch for any signs of discomfort. I'm so sorry you're going through this.
It's hard, my family and friends think I'm crazy that I even care. I'm 22 and its my first pet. But I've kinda accepted that I can't do much else.
But I do have one last question, I've noticed that is an abrupt end to her tumors where her skull begins and I wanted to know if it could grown under her skull and cause her damage or pain? I hope not. But I think the rawness cannot heal because the sore could be cancer cells and are simply unable to heal.
I don't think it's likely to grow into the base of her skull, although anything's possible. Rats sometimes get pituitary gland tumours (PT) and those put pressure on the brain and cause a wide variety of neurological issues as the gland is on the base of the brain stem. (This is not a PT, I just mentioning it in case it comes up on a search or something.)

I think it's unlikely that the sore will heal completely as well. The most you can do is keep her infection and pain free as long as possible. Have you asked your vet about pain meds? She may not be eating as much because she is in discomfort.
I havn't but I will, I need to pick up more baytril.
Thank you for all your information so far! I am very grateful.

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