Okay, sorry if contextual explanations get long winded...
So I've got three rats, Champ, had first, Gwen, got to be Champ's companion, Josi, someone gave me as a hand-me-down because I had rats and they didn't want her anymore.
Champ was originally bought to be the companion of a previous rat after her sister died (tumor). The surviving sister also had a tumor, but it wasn't immediately debilitating/fatal like the others was, but I guess the weakness was sensed by Champ, and she just wouldn't take to her. I eventually separated them because Champ always picked on the sick rat, stole food, attacked in ways that did not seem playful at all (sometime they would interact normally, but it seemed rare). Champ also went from skittish to aggressive with me, biting hard enough to draw blood. That was almost the end of her story, but I gave her another chance.
The sick rat passed and I got champ back into the bigger cage, though the one she was in alone wasn't horribly small and she wasn't full grown yet anyway. she remained scarred/aggressive with me, despite my attempts at trust training with snacks. I couldn't hold her, when would go for her she would hunch a fluff out, and stand primed to lunge and bite. I'll admit, it could make me a bit nervous, I'm not the dainty type, but rat bites can hurt something fierce, especially with the flared teeth thing, they shred. I was also a bit fearful of my own temper, it flares, and they're just that much more scared of me, y'know? That's not what i wanted.
So I switched gears, instead of calming her down before getting her a companion, I thought a companion might calm her down. Sure enough, it worked. I couldn't do a proper neutral ground introduction, as I couldn't really get ahold of Champ to put her on neutral ground. So I did my own technique, after waiting about a week to make sure the new girl, Gwen, wasn't sick or anything, I placed her cage right up next to the bigger one. They would kind of go nose to nose through the bars and just sniff and stare. I let that go on for a few days, and would occasionally trade out wads of bedding or nesting back and fourth, so they'd be used to each others scents. Finally the day came and I put Gwen in the big cage. There were squabbles, no doubt, but that's normal. I was home for the entire day, so if it got bad I say Champs name loud or clap my hands once real loud or something and they'd sort of freeze and stop. By the end of the night they were playing and they snuggled up and slept together for a bit. The next day, you'd have thought they had always been together.
It was a few weeks later when Josi came to me from a friend of friend. Knowing she wasn't ill, I went straight to the putting her cage, a little lab tub she's always lived in :-(,up next to my cage. all parties were instantly interested, and that night I took out Gwen and put her on the couch with Josi. They didn't even do a face off I don't think, just sniffed each-other and started running around and playing. So I just went ahead and housed her in the big cage, I couldn't stand putting her back in that little tub. Josi and Champ did face off, and they squabbled a bit, bit it didn't take long for them all to start playing and sleeping together.
As the months have gone by, Champ seemed to calm a bit. I was able to pet her in the cage, though she would still tense up some, kind of lean away, but she eventually stopped priming to bite. Eventually I was even able to pick her up, though she still doesn't really like it and will run from being picked up just as often as I get her. If she runs I let her, I figure it just scares her and gets her worked up if I'm essentially chasing her through the cage with my hand.
So everything seemed great. One big happy family. We're all hanging out on the couch now, though Champ won't climb on me like the others will, she likes the boxamajig maze, and tends to just hang out there. But she's out of the cage. I can pick her up without having a finger shredded, that was the goal.
But over the past few days, Champ's getting aggressive again. The cage play seems too rough to me, the other two are just shrieking while Champ has them pinned. And last time I went to get her out she did the fluff up thing again.
Well, if you bothered to read all that, any ideas why she might be slipping back into her old ways?
So I've got three rats, Champ, had first, Gwen, got to be Champ's companion, Josi, someone gave me as a hand-me-down because I had rats and they didn't want her anymore.
Champ was originally bought to be the companion of a previous rat after her sister died (tumor). The surviving sister also had a tumor, but it wasn't immediately debilitating/fatal like the others was, but I guess the weakness was sensed by Champ, and she just wouldn't take to her. I eventually separated them because Champ always picked on the sick rat, stole food, attacked in ways that did not seem playful at all (sometime they would interact normally, but it seemed rare). Champ also went from skittish to aggressive with me, biting hard enough to draw blood. That was almost the end of her story, but I gave her another chance.
The sick rat passed and I got champ back into the bigger cage, though the one she was in alone wasn't horribly small and she wasn't full grown yet anyway. she remained scarred/aggressive with me, despite my attempts at trust training with snacks. I couldn't hold her, when would go for her she would hunch a fluff out, and stand primed to lunge and bite. I'll admit, it could make me a bit nervous, I'm not the dainty type, but rat bites can hurt something fierce, especially with the flared teeth thing, they shred. I was also a bit fearful of my own temper, it flares, and they're just that much more scared of me, y'know? That's not what i wanted.
So I switched gears, instead of calming her down before getting her a companion, I thought a companion might calm her down. Sure enough, it worked. I couldn't do a proper neutral ground introduction, as I couldn't really get ahold of Champ to put her on neutral ground. So I did my own technique, after waiting about a week to make sure the new girl, Gwen, wasn't sick or anything, I placed her cage right up next to the bigger one. They would kind of go nose to nose through the bars and just sniff and stare. I let that go on for a few days, and would occasionally trade out wads of bedding or nesting back and fourth, so they'd be used to each others scents. Finally the day came and I put Gwen in the big cage. There were squabbles, no doubt, but that's normal. I was home for the entire day, so if it got bad I say Champs name loud or clap my hands once real loud or something and they'd sort of freeze and stop. By the end of the night they were playing and they snuggled up and slept together for a bit. The next day, you'd have thought they had always been together.
It was a few weeks later when Josi came to me from a friend of friend. Knowing she wasn't ill, I went straight to the putting her cage, a little lab tub she's always lived in :-(,up next to my cage. all parties were instantly interested, and that night I took out Gwen and put her on the couch with Josi. They didn't even do a face off I don't think, just sniffed each-other and started running around and playing. So I just went ahead and housed her in the big cage, I couldn't stand putting her back in that little tub. Josi and Champ did face off, and they squabbled a bit, bit it didn't take long for them all to start playing and sleeping together.
As the months have gone by, Champ seemed to calm a bit. I was able to pet her in the cage, though she would still tense up some, kind of lean away, but she eventually stopped priming to bite. Eventually I was even able to pick her up, though she still doesn't really like it and will run from being picked up just as often as I get her. If she runs I let her, I figure it just scares her and gets her worked up if I'm essentially chasing her through the cage with my hand.
So everything seemed great. One big happy family. We're all hanging out on the couch now, though Champ won't climb on me like the others will, she likes the boxamajig maze, and tends to just hang out there. But she's out of the cage. I can pick her up without having a finger shredded, that was the goal.
But over the past few days, Champ's getting aggressive again. The cage play seems too rough to me, the other two are just shrieking while Champ has them pinned. And last time I went to get her out she did the fluff up thing again.
Well, if you bothered to read all that, any ideas why she might be slipping back into her old ways?