I wanna be licked!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
USA, south central Pennsylvania
I dream of being licked by a rat! I normally keep my hands away from their mouths though. I'm scared of being bit and my girls will grab my fingers thinking that I'm offering them food even though I say "treat" when I do give them something. I don't want to be a chicken anymore. D: Any ideas?
Don't give any food through bars, or allow to get bit once and don't pull back. The rattie will see you're not food and lick the wound clean. :)
You are going to have to bite the bullet and give them your fingers. Not through cage bars, but when they are out and about playing. Most rats do not bite. It's not something rats do.
A sneaky way to get licked is to put your finger near their mouth while their cleaning themselves!
They will mindlessly clean your finger as if it was a part of their body! ;)

Although it's really fun when rats give kisses, not all of them do. I've had 5 rats, and only two of them would lick me. Charlie licks my face to show love while Smokey thought it was his full-time job to keep my fingers clean. :)
Dip your finger in something tasty...they may nip at firstbut they learn fast to just lick
Yes, I never give them treats or fingers thru bars. And I know that if they do grab my fingers they don't bite down and break skin I just wish I could get that thru my head. I'll try and let them inspect my hands during out time though and see what happens! I can do this! I do like the idea of sneaking my finger in when they are batheing I do that to my cats! Lol! I'll try dipping my finger too! Even if they don't lick me that's ok. I just want to learn to relax and get over my silly fear!
Thanks for the tips!! :)

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