I think my old girl is dying! Or maybe not?!?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2009
New Brunswick, Canada
she seems weak on one side like maybe she has had a stroke I was in here watching her sleep thinking something seems a bit off. Even her face seems a bit "twisted" for lack of a better word.
she is approx 18-19months. Adopted from Twitch Mid Oct. 2009 so we have only had her 3months. We knew she was not a baby and would not be with us as long as the other were likley to be but I dont want to loose her so soon!
She here sleeping in my lap which is very very strange for her and she doesn't seem to have control of her right side.
just a cpl hrs ago she was eating and got up to go to litter then went back to sleep I noticed the babies running on top of her and she was barely moving not normal...then I desided to get her up and she was not able to really move...
I am sitting here bawling my eyes out waiting for my daughter to get home...hoping she will hold on til then...so she can say good bye. :cry4:
She is very weak...and sleepy...I am going to get hubby to go get some ensure for her...we have baby food cereal for her too cause they will not eat block mush....
Is it bad for the little ones to be climbing on her and grooming her...they are not being aggressive but they are not being overly gentle either!
I hope that you can find a vet who will give you some suggestions. I came home once to find a rat like that. SQ syringed some Prednisone mixed in baby cereal into her, and the transformation over the next few hours was astounding. Hilda lived another couple of months, in pretty good spirits. She was able to move around well and to eat by herself (soft food, though). We were never sure what had happened, but stroke was the best guess.

If you can't get her to a rat-wise vet, maybe ask some of the members who've been through a few strokes with rats.

Good luck!
There have been a few threads here that a rattie bounced back from a stroke to live several more months, so don't lose hope yet! A steriod seems to have the best effect. Hopefully you can take her to a vet tomorrow.
luckily I have predizone...from my little dog who passed 1 year ago Jan 19th!
The exp on the pills is not for an other 7months...so I am good...Lilspaz is helping with the dosage and what not...
yes she had some baby cereal with ensure tonight about 6-8mls its not much but better than nothing...I will syringe feed her more in the morning...hoping she makes it thru...I don't think I can sleep tonight! it was exactly 1yr ago I had my little man (shihtzu) in the 24hr vets in Moncton NB fighting a battle with hemolytic anemia and about this time of the night 1yr ago I was ducking out of the metallica concert to call the vets they were telling me they were not sure if he was going to make it thru the night...the next day my little man Gizmo lost his fight.

I know being at a concert in Boston while your dog is dying doesn't sound good but it was a lot of money already paid for and if we didn't go our friends would loose their money too and we are talking over $1000/couple. Tickets were bought for christmas and it was hubby's B'day...to this day I still feel bad about not being there with him...even tho he was getting the best care and there was nothing I could do... I should have loved that night in Boston at a great concert with good friends...but it was one of the worst nights ever!

I might stay home from work tomorrow. I am kind of feeling sick anyway, was working from home today...so maybe they will let me work from home tomorrow too.
She made it through the night but she looks so bad just laying there or trying to drag herself around.
She did seem a bit more alert this morning but not for long, fed her some ensure and baby cereal, which was messy even with dropper, poor girl doesn't seem to be able to hold her head steady when she lifts it up...I had to hold her head for her to steady it so she could just lick at the dropper. She got real sleepy...my poor girl...
She ate about 5-7mls of ensure with some baby cereal mixed in...and had a little drink from dropper...about 1ml of water.

Do you think this is enough food and water to do her until I can get home later today? I am hoping boss will give me a longer lunch so I can get home and feed and water her... if not it will not be until aroun 4-5pm...
I left a jar lid with water down for her (young ones kept running over and spilling it...)and I moved the lower level water bottle down low where she can reach it.

I feel so bad for her the young ones keep running over her and trying to borrow under the extra fleece I gave her...which is sort of bouncing her around...

Anyway I will be calling around to the vets today to see who can see her...just not sure that I trust any now that Dr Alexander (Twitch's vet) has retired...
Anyone know of any decent vets that have and will care for rats in Saint John NB ?
jorats said:
At her age it could be PT. :hugs:
I was thinking maybe that too... but was so sudden, about 1hr befoer she was completely messed up she seemed cold and sleepy but she had some dinner altho I had to coax her out to eat (very unusual) then she went into the litter box did her business and back to her hidey box to sleep...an hr later I saw the babies were running over her and she was not waking but was protesting by rolling to the side a bit and lift head and putting paws out...but not opening eyes...I picked her up and this is when I noticed she was all messed up and more so on right side.
she does not have a tilt but has been sort of stretching her head back so I noticed this morning...but seems very weak and unco-ordinated all over but more so on right side...and her little face / mouth seems to be slack on the right side and normal on the left so she looks to have her mouth twisted to the left.

I don't know I am just so worried and I cannot take time off work right now to care for her...so I am out from 7:30-8am and not back til 4-5pm...I have asked for some accomodations with lunches and what not but we are in the middle of a huge project and we have 2 people out on leave so I am short half my team...and they are preparing to send the other team off to AZ for 8 weeks so I need to take over the supervision rest of the people....and fortune 500 companies don't give a damn that I have a sick pet at home let alone a pet rat... :cry4:

I am sitting here at work upset and tired...but still have to be at work...and sharp...
When you are home just try to get as much fluids in to her as possible, ensure and water (perhaps some rehydration formula if she is dehydrated), keep her warm and just cuddle her. She wont have enough energy at the minute to eat a lot, but the fact that she IS eating and drinking is good.

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