Senior Member
Theres a big ratty at my store with some temper issues. He is 10 months old and has been in the store since last Christmas, but he has brutally wounded two cagemates and has been alone since before I started there in June. He needs a ome and I do plan to take him, but I have girls and need to get him neutered. I have tried to hand train him with banana and using my voice for negative reinforcement, but now he just full on lunges and bites so hard it hurts through the glove!! Willhim the neuter setbhim a little straight? He bites everuone, human orat. rat. I have a cage to.keep him separated if it doesnt help but I was hopingbit would.
Also, does anyone know a vet that is close to Misissauga with experience that isnt too costly? Please PM me if you do. I would rather go to Dr. Munn (I know everyone here in the GTA stands by him) but it would be easier if there were someone closer.
Also, does anyone know a vet that is close to Misissauga with experience that isnt too costly? Please PM me if you do. I would rather go to Dr. Munn (I know everyone here in the GTA stands by him) but it would be easier if there were someone closer.