I need help with intros

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2011
Guelph / Ottawa
Okay so I will explain the story behind all of this. Its sort of long.

Basically, I had two rats, Meatball and Biscuit. Meatball was the bully, slightly more rat aggressive one and Biscuit was a huge pansy pushover. I had done intros trying to intro a third male into a group with those two and Biscuit accepted him right away and Meatball never did.

Meatball passed away and I was looking for a second male rat to keep Biscuit company. I took in Carl, who Lilspaz wanted but couldn't take at the time.

I did about a month of just cage switches and having the cages next to each other. Then I started neutral territory intros. I use chocolate sauce in the shower or bath, and Carl stays fairly occupied the whole time and Biscuit does "drive bys", where he runs up behind Carl, puts his feet on his back or licks his back, and then runs away. Otherwise he spends the whole time trying to escape the bath. The one time they fought was when I tried intros without food and Carl had nothing to occupy him. And the past couple days things have been more dicey because I ran out of chocolate sauce and tried using a substitute and Carl doesn't like it as much. On these days, Biscuit will do fewer drive bys and seems extremely nervous. He gets poofy (every time pretty much).

They both will huff at each other and Carl will make an angry sort of clicking sound. From what I can read from it, Biscuit's behavior seems more nervous than hormonal/angry. And just from knowing Biscuit and knowing how big of a pushover he is, I can imagine him choosing to be the aggressor in the situation. It is harder for me to read Carl because I don't know him and he is hairless. But he seems to send some sort of signal when Biscuit gets close that makes Bisc super nervous, if that makes sense.

Anyways. Advice needed.
Have you tried scary intros? Sticking them both in a carrier and going outdoors or putting them on an 'island' in the tub, surrounded by water sometimes helps break the ice.
I would change their intro area. Use a table top or some place small, like a chair. Have the two meet there regularly but not for long. each time they stay next to each other with no bother, hand them each a treat. Something they love, maybe peas or bananas? Or cheerios? Do that several times a day if you can. Keep it short and end it on a good note. Try that for now and let us know how it goes. If you can take a video, that would be even better. :)

Trying a scary area is also another good idea to try, like Victoria mentions.
The problem is I work 6:30 am to 5 pm every day. Is it too much to do several intros each evening? Aka I did one tonight at around 7 pm, can I do another before bed?
I just did intros on my desk with rat HT as treats...holy crap. No huffing AT ALL, and Carl ate his block while his head was shoved under Biscuit's bum. I wrapped it up at 5 minutes.

I may love you.
megan123 said:
I just did intros on my desk with rat HT as treats...holy crap. No huffing AT ALL, and Carl ate his block while his head was shoved under Biscuit's bum. I wrapped it up at 5 minutes.

I may love you.

The love may be premature. lol You'll have some good ones and some bad ones but keep at it!
I by no means think they will go perfectly from this point forward. But I guess I'm just glad you reminded me to shake things up a bit, and when thing start going badly in one location I can always switch to another.
megan123 said:
I by no means think they will go perfectly from this point forward. But I guess I'm just glad you reminded me to shake things up a bit, and when thing start going badly in one location I can always switch to another.

That's why this place comes in so handy. There are so many of us that have been there and can give another perspective. Please keep us posted. :thumbup:
Lol I know I just wanted to post pics of who was being introed. I did four desk intros so far and all have been Uneventful. Didnt do any last night cuz I wasn't home.
I guess I got the wrong impression of Carl while he was here. I was sure that your intros would not be difficult at all.

Sounds like you are doing well now though! Good luck with future intros :)

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