My boy Lyric's facial absess is one of the most irritating things I have ever had to deal with. This has been going on for almost 3 months now and the absess seems to change constantly. Last week he got pretty bad. The absess was huge and he wasn't really eating. I was concidering having him pts since I can't afford the 400$ to have it removed and the size of it made me think it was more than an absess.
But now its clearing up again and looks a lot smaller in size....again
The problem is, the pus is so thick I can't really get it out even though the absess has come to a head. It also seems to be really deep it his face.
I have him on .15cc of both baytril and doxy and I clean it with hot water every night, and flush it out with warm salt water every other day, but I don't know what else to do...I'm not exactly experienced with absess either since this is my first time.
It seems like its just going to be this rollercoaster of the absess getting really big and then getting small again.
Whats the best way to deal with this?
But now its clearing up again and looks a lot smaller in size....again
The problem is, the pus is so thick I can't really get it out even though the absess has come to a head. It also seems to be really deep it his face.
I have him on .15cc of both baytril and doxy and I clean it with hot water every night, and flush it out with warm salt water every other day, but I don't know what else to do...I'm not exactly experienced with absess either since this is my first time.
It seems like its just going to be this rollercoaster of the absess getting really big and then getting small again.
Whats the best way to deal with this?