How to tell if a scab is mites or long nails scratching

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
We have four males under the age of 1. Two are rex's so it's easier to see their skin. A month ago, I noticed Benny had two small scabs near his back/side where his back legs can scratch him. He has notoriously sharp nails and is difficult to trim. (I have a brick in the cage, but he hardly uses it.) I have been watching the others and hadn't noticed anything until this morning when Luke (the other rex) has a red scab in a similar spot. The other two seem fine - couldn't feel anything or see anything, though they don't sit that still for me.

So my questions are:
1. do you always *assume* its mites if they have a scab?
2. if it is mites, will they get more bites and get worse (ie should I wait to see if the scabs go away and if no more return, assume it was just scratching)
3. I've heard treating with revolution? Can you elaborate a bit - can I only get from a vet? I assume I treat all four and wash the bedding in hot (which I do weekly anyway). I clean the cage with a homemade disinfectant solution of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide (as recommended on a rat site).

I should note that we don't let them outside at all (except for travel to vet or grandma's), though we have a dog. I wash their cage inside the house as I've heard of mites come into the cage that way???? Could they pick up mites even if we take these precautions? Thanks all - I know this is a frequent topic!
Revolution requires a vet prescript, although one cat or kitten tube will treat more rats than you have. Watch for scabs along the shoulder blades and under the chin, and behind the ears. There are some good pictures here on the forum of what mites looks like.

Although the mites most rat owners deal with are 'rat specific, there are mites that can pass from dogs/cats to rats, they can even travel via people - so it's possible for your dog to give your rats mites, sorry. We dealt with them the last few months, they are actually a type of mange. It's possible that more rats actually get them than people are aware of, because skin scrapings are so often negative and people just treat based on symptoms without identifying the particular buggy. They can live on any of the aforementioned animals for their whole lives without causing symptoms, until an immune system gets compromised. That's why people with dogs/cats that go outside just treat monthly with revolution regardless of symptoms, whereas rat owners seem to only treat for buggies when we bring in a new member or see symptoms.

Hope this was helpful! I know others with more experience than I will have comments for your other questions.
JenD said:
1. do you always *assume* its mites if they have a scab?
2. if it is mites, will they get more bites and get worse (ie should I wait to see if the scabs go away and if no more return, assume it was just scratching)
3. I've heard treating with revolution? Can you elaborate a bit - can I only get from a vet? I assume I treat all four and wash the bedding in hot (which I do weekly anyway). I clean the cage with a homemade disinfectant solution of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide (as recommended on a rat site).

I should note that we don't let them outside at all (except for travel to vet or grandma's), though we have a dog. I wash their cage inside the house as I've heard of mites come into the cage that way???? Could they pick up mites even if we take these precautions? Thanks all - I know this is a frequent topic!

1. If they start getting scabs around their head, neck and shoulders you assume it is mites. The skin scraping test for mites is painful and often gives false results so people do not have it done.
2. The scabs are due to scratching. If they have mites they will be scratching hard enough to leave marks or break the skin causing scabs to form. You can trim the toenails on their back feet. I believe there is info on here about how to do that. Be very careful not to cut the wick.
3. You treat all rats with cat or kitten revolution. The amount is based on the weight of the rat and is placed on the skin on the back of the neck. You can get revolution from your vet. If you do not have a digital postal scale to use to weigh your rats, then you will want the vet to apply the revolution.
Yes, you clean the cage, bedding, freeze or throw out anything made of wood, etc.
Rats can get mites and other parasities from commercial bedding materials (so people freeze them for 72 hours before using).
Mites are in the environment and rats frequently get them.

If they do not improve after being treated with revolution, then you will need to consider other causes.
Mites is usually the cause which is why we treat for mites first.
Thanks everyone. I will go through the old posts to see if I can locate any pictures. Looks like I'll just take all four of them in for an application. Does it last for a certain amount of time (like 3-6 months) like frontline lasts on dogs?
Revolution is a monthly dose but with rat mites or lice, the one dose is all you need. I also advise that you scrub everything around the rats, including toys, cage... all wood should be either thrown out or put in the freezer for 48 hours.
Thanks for the tip on the wood, Jo. I do clean it weekly (they have the wood ledges which they love) but I will put them in the freezer, too. Am off to call the vet for an appt. Thanks everyone!

p.s. there are so many great posts on this board...I just got swept away - how awesome that so many people love their ratties so much :heart: I hung up with the vets office and they told me that I can order revolution at their online shop to apply it.

I assume it's the kitty one here : http://www.santaclaritaanimalhospitalin ... ctId=98541

Does $42.99 seem like a fair price (ouch)! But I guess it's a three pack so we'd have it for the future...

But then I'm not sure how much each boy weighs - is there a risk that I could apply too much or too little? Sorry to bombard, but I don't want to put them at risk...advice on proceeding this way? Do I need to buy a scale to weigh them first?
That sounds about right for the three pack.... the meds will have an expiry date but you could probably sell them to other rat owners if you don't think you'll use the other tubes in time. Puppy/kitten is the one you want, so you've got that right.

Dosing info is here ( ... lution.php )but if you post their weights someone who's good at that sort of thing will be able to help I'm sure.

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