How to know your rat is pregnant

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Sep 27, 2011
So I got my baby rats saterday 26 september from a rattery in Belgium (rattery Pintor), I got them from a rattery to make sure there weren't going to be any accidents or so...

And since a day or 3 Biscuit is showing a bigger round tummy and yesterday I noticed that her nipples or a lot more noticable than Brownie's are.

My rats are 7 weeks old today and Biscuit has a weight of 123 grams, Brownie is 92 grams (weighed yesterday evening).

So as you can see in the title of the topic I'm worried that Biscuit is pregnant (I sure hope she isn't, I don't have any experience with litters and most important thing of all -> she is too young!).

Are there any tips you can give me how to see if she's pregnant and if she is, what can I do to prepare her little body for the delivery, I don't want anything to go wrong :( My little Biscuit :(
Your baby girls are growing and the development of round little bellies and growth spurts is normal.
It is highly unlikely that your baby girl is pregnant.

Baby rats become sexually mature between 5 and 6 weeks of age.
It sounds like the breeder adopts out at a young age and you got the girls from their mama at 5 weeks.
Even if she had been in with an adult male, it would be highly unlikely that she is pregnant.

If she shows signs of being in heat - fluttering ears, freezing and quivering when you pet her back toward her tail, then you would know for sure that she is not pregnant.
Please note that many girls do not show signs when they are in heat.

You could suppliment their diet of a good quality block and daily vegs with soy infant formula thickened with a bit of baby cereal.
This will give the girls extra nutrition.

Hope this helps

Edit: In answer to the question in your title
How to know your rat is pregnant
It is suggested that the girl's weight be charted with the girl being weighed (digital scale weighing to 1 gram) at the same time each day.
Posting belly pictures is also helpful as pregnant bellies (usually) have a distinctive shape during the last week of pregnancy.
Normal gestation is 21.5 to 22 days with a large weight gain occurring in the last week of pregnancy.
Babies do gain a lot of weight and fast when moved to a new home. I would guess that it is probably typical baby weight gain. All you can really do it keep weighing her and post it here and also keep watching and feeling for anything abnormal. You can feel the babies when it gets closer to the 3 weeks.
Thank you so much for the replies, we also think that she just gained a lot of weigth, but i'm still keeping her weigth day by day. We're so happy that she probably isn't pregnant :)

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