Hi everyone:
Jackie's Mum here again. When I woke up this morning, Jackie was very, very limp; I was so worried that I was going to lose her. The vet had approved the dexamethesone, and in case it was PT, some bromocriptine, but they would only be ready for pickup this morning.
I rushed there to get the meds; gave her the dex at 10 am, and the bromo twenty minutes later, just to get the meds into her. We still don't think it's PT (because she lacks most of the symptoms; seems to be a stroke) but the bromo won't hurt if it isn't PT.
Anyway, barely an hour later, a little rattie who for the past three days has been lying on her side because she couldn't even lie in an upright position, got a little perkier. I put her on our carpet in the living room, for traction, and even though she still tilts to the right and still falls to her side from time to time, she actually had a full walk along the carpet at a pretty good rate, all four legs working well, her eyes wide and clear. When she topples over, she now gets up fast instead of just lying there, unable to do anything. And in the cage, she's now lying in an upright position on her tummy, her back leg coming up to groom herself, rather than lying on her side like a limp cloth.
Could this just be a 'good moment' or does dexamethesone work this quickly? I'm praying for this to be the first bit of recovery for her. I wish I'd have gotten dexamethesone two weeks ago when I'd first asked for it, but the vet had wanted to just try prednisone first.
Has anyone else experienced this quick a turnaround with it? I mean, she's not fully 'well' again; she's still weaker, still slants to the right, but she must feel SO relieved to be able to walk again at all. And of course, I want her to walk, in order to exercise and gradually strengthen her muscles again.
Much thanks for everyone's help so far; my fingers are crossed here.
Jackie's Mum here again. When I woke up this morning, Jackie was very, very limp; I was so worried that I was going to lose her. The vet had approved the dexamethesone, and in case it was PT, some bromocriptine, but they would only be ready for pickup this morning.
I rushed there to get the meds; gave her the dex at 10 am, and the bromo twenty minutes later, just to get the meds into her. We still don't think it's PT (because she lacks most of the symptoms; seems to be a stroke) but the bromo won't hurt if it isn't PT.
Anyway, barely an hour later, a little rattie who for the past three days has been lying on her side because she couldn't even lie in an upright position, got a little perkier. I put her on our carpet in the living room, for traction, and even though she still tilts to the right and still falls to her side from time to time, she actually had a full walk along the carpet at a pretty good rate, all four legs working well, her eyes wide and clear. When she topples over, she now gets up fast instead of just lying there, unable to do anything. And in the cage, she's now lying in an upright position on her tummy, her back leg coming up to groom herself, rather than lying on her side like a limp cloth.
Could this just be a 'good moment' or does dexamethesone work this quickly? I'm praying for this to be the first bit of recovery for her. I wish I'd have gotten dexamethesone two weeks ago when I'd first asked for it, but the vet had wanted to just try prednisone first.
Has anyone else experienced this quick a turnaround with it? I mean, she's not fully 'well' again; she's still weaker, still slants to the right, but she must feel SO relieved to be able to walk again at all. And of course, I want her to walk, in order to exercise and gradually strengthen her muscles again.
Much thanks for everyone's help so far; my fingers are crossed here.